Chapter - 26 Revenge

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I slowly open my eyes, as my eyes open the haze starts to clear. The light starts to brighten up. I look up and see the bright white ceiling, “Hmm, my room doesn’t have a white ceiling”. I turn my head and see hospital equipment and immediately the flashback starts to reel in my head. I ran, hugged Hiram, the bullet. I try to jerk my body up and the unbearable pain is my reward. I wince. The door opens and the doctor walks in. “Whoa, don’t try to get up, your wound is not very severe, but you still need rest.” I nod and slowly lay back down. I am worried about James. I wonder if he is okay. “Doctor, there was another victim, his name was James, do you happen to know what happened to him?” The doctor pauses his work. Oh no, pause is never a good sign. Why is he not saying anything? “Doc, what happened” He turns around and I don’t even need him to speak, the disappointment on his face tells everything. He sighs and then says, “I am afraid he is no more” I feel like my entire body is numb, but before I can grieve my own sadness, I need to help Hiram. He should not be alone; he will need someone. I grit my teeth and rise my body through the pain. “Hey, hey, I told you not to get up” I move out of the bed, completely ignoring doctor’s advice. “Doc, have you seen Hiram, the guy who probably brought me to the hospital? He was also friends with James.” The nods in recognition. “Yeah, I have seen him, he was absolutely devasted, he cried in the room for an hour, but then he threw everything in the room and went away and he looked very mad. The body is still in the hospital.” Oh no no no no no, it doesn’t sound right. It doesn’t. I start to walk, and I feel a little dizzy, but I shake my head and keep walking. The doctor keeps yelling for me to go back and lie down, but I just keep moving for the door. He must have lost his temper. I need to find him. I need to support him. But first I want to see James. With tears in my eyes and my voice choking from keeping them in. I ask the nurse and she take me to a room and shows me James’s face. I lose it, tears start spilling from my eyes. “I am so sorry James, it’s my fault. It’s because of me. I am so sorry. I wish I could save you. I am so useless” I fall to floor as tears keep falling and falling. The nurse puts back the body and helps me get up. I immediately make my way for the gate, and I realize I have no idea where Hiram is. I pick up my phone and call him, he doesn’t pick up. I keep calling and calling and at probably my twentieth time he picks up. “Hello Hiram, where are you? Hiram?” No sound comes from the other side. I start panicking and then I hear a familiar sound and I immediately know where he is. I take a cab, I look out the window, but the passing views make me even sadder. I look inside and see my face on the rear mirror. I still see tears running down my face. I don’t think I can stop crying. I haven’t known James for a long time, but it was long enough to know he was a good man. The cab stops and I get out. I get a sense of déjà vu. It was just hours before I was here, and he took me inside and made me feel comfortable in the party. It feels like it’s a dream, I will wake up and there he will be standing and greeting me, it’s hard to believe that he is no more. I walk inside and immediately see Hiram sitting on the floor his hands inside his jacket’s pocket and he keeps starring at the floor. I walk up slowly and sit beside him. I gently touch his arm and tears start to flow down his eyes again. Seeing him cry, makes me cry and I lean into his arms, and we silently mourn our lost friend. After a moment, I break the silence, “Hiram, we need to arrange the funeral. Hiram?” He doesn’t even look at me. “Hiram please talk to me, please let it out” He turns around his face. I gently hold his chin and turn it towards me, But the look on his face scares, his eyes are not filled with tears of sorrow, but with tears of regret, some kind of hate, dissatisfaction. These eyes only belong to people who have taken revenge and realized that it doesn’t give that sense of peace, that they were initially looking for. Revenge doesn’t change a thing. He turns away and this time I force him to meet my eyes and ask, “What did you do Hiram? Answer me? What did you do?” And he says something that kills a part of me inside. “I killed him Luna, I avenged James. I killed that bastard who dared to take life of my friend” Tears flow through his eyes as he says it and removes his hands from his pocket. Which are smeared with blood, the blood of revenge.
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