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While Ash was in the hallway waiting for me with his back resting on the wall and both hands in his pocket like he has no care in the world. He stepped away from the wall as soon as he saw me. “What did the principal say to you?” I glared at him. “Okay! Okay! Chill, sis. Stop looking at me like that. I didn’t know he was watching us. I was just having fun.” “Easy for you to say. Tell that to your f*****g favorite teacher, Ash.” I folded my arms across my chest. “You weren’t the one inside that office of teachers being yelled at, because I am the oldest. They sent you out of the office and chose to humiliate me instead.” “I’m sorry, Violet. I didn’t know it would come to this.” 'Whatever,' I scoffed. ‘The principal wants to call our mom and dad for questioning. She wants us to go home right now and not go back to class.’ St. Victoria’s Academy is a strict high school and is the reason I hate this school. “What! No way.” “Yes, way. And they also plan to have us separated from the same class.” This isn’t the first time this is happening anyway and the teachers think we are being distracted because we are always together. “Why? That can’t happen.” He darkly uttered. “Mom and Dad wouldn’t come for questioning, anyway. They would rather send our nanny or our butler to represent them.” “How sure are you—” “I know what to do.” He interrupted me. “Leave it to me. Don’t worry about it. I don’t want mom and dad to get involved with our issues. We would both look for a way to sabotage their letters and calls from getting through them.” “They would surely find a way. The school wouldn’t stop till they get through them. Have you forgotten? Dad owns—” He came over to me and hugged me, letting his jaw rest on my head. “Let’s go home, okay, sweet cakes.” He mumbled. “Everything is going to be fine.” He’s been calling me sweet cakes since we were kids. “Alright.” I nodded and pulled away from him. He behaves like this whenever he knows what to do. And I hope his plan doesn’t hurt us both. However, we both know once the principal gets through to our parents, we are dead beings. “But the school hasn’t closed yet. What about Willow and the rest of them?” “Don’t worry, she will be fine. I called the driver to come pick us up, and he is outside right now. Let’s go.” “That fast? What about our bags?” “Our butler would bring it. Let’s go home.” He walked past me as we both walked silently alongside each other without saying a word. Why is he so eager to go home? Is it because of our parents? We both walked downstairs out of the enormous school building and got into the Lamborghini our driver came along with. Ash and I were still silent during the ride. I guess he was in deep thoughts about what our parents would do once the principal summons them to the school. If only our butler would shut up about it and not inform our parents. It would have been nice, though. Of course, they wouldn’t shut up because my parents are their bosses. Not us. We both got home. Ash and I had our lunch alone at the dining table as usual, without a word about school. Our parents are hardly around these days because of their work schedules. I hate their job and I sometimes feel like I have no parents at all. Whenever they come home, they make our lives a living hell. I cut through my soggy pasta using my fork when Ash’s question popped up at me, which made me choke on what I was eating. I coughed so bitterly; he gave me a glass of water. “Calm down. It was just a f*****g question.” “Why will you ask a question like that? Are you insane?” He’s been in a terrible mood since he heard about what the principal told me. Though he tries so damn hard to hide it, I can still see through him. I thought he has a plan on how to overcome this situation since he said ‘everything was gonna be fine’ Then why is he mad? “I asked you if you are still a virgin? Is that such a grave question?” “Yes, it is a grave question. Who's brother asks their sister about their virginity? Just because James and I hung out doesn’t mean I slept with him. What the f**k is wrong with you?” Why do I need to tell my brother about my private life? “Good. So, stop seeing him then. I hate the way he looks at you.” “How does he look at me?” “Don’t you have eyes, Violet?” He waved his hand at his eyes. “Can’t you see what is happening around you? You act as if you don’t care, but you know he likes you.” “Why should I care if he likes me or not? What does that have to do with you?” “Of course you should care. He is getting close to you and I don’t like it. I care about you.” “You can’t tell me who to date and who not to date. This is my life. You have no right to control it. I’ve had enough of you telling me what to do. I’m older than you.” “Do I give a ten f**k if you are older than my ass? I’m just spilling the cards on the table. He wants you so bad he’s become a leech around you.” “What’s it with you and James? What did he—” “Don’t question me.” “Don’t interrupt me either. I hate it when you interrupt me. You are my younger brother. Not my boyfriend. Stop judging me.” He angrily got up from his chair and glared at me. “These are one of the reasons I hate having a conversation with you. You never listen. You always do what you love and then end up in the ditch. Come on, blow it up. Let the world know James wants to get into your pants and I hate him. I’m an alpha male and I know exactly what goes on in an alpha’s mind.” “I’m not talking to you like this.” I also stood up and walked out of the dining table. “Well, I’m not talking to you like this either.” He yelled after me. I got inside my room and shut the door behind me. My heart was beating at a rapid rate. I was getting scared of what was going to happen once my parents came back from their trip and heard about what happened in school.
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