1226 Words

“Anderson is right. It is pretty lonely when the both of you are not in school. Did your parents scold you because you were called to the principal’s office? Please tell me, they did nothing harsh to you guys?” “Nope!” I smiled and looked at Ash for a second and back to Willow. “They let it go.” “Wow! That’s great. I was so worried to death about how it was gonna be for you.” “You are always worried about death.” Anderson laughed. “Can’t you see they look fine?” “They look fine doesn’t mean they are fine.” Willow whined. “What are we friends for? We have to be there for each other all the time. Through thick and thin. If we don’t—” “Quit whining. Class is about to start.” Anderson announced and followed Ash as they both walked forward to the school building. Willow and I strolled be

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