Chapter 9 : Work Wife

1847 Words

**Isa “... So then Pam said, ‘I won’t have those kinds of shenanigans in my office!’” David chuckled. Out of the corner of my eye, I thought I saw a flash of two people I recognized, one of them being Callan. I looked up, locking eyes with him. His eyes flashed at me as though he were angry, then he turned with Jeffery and walked away. I briefly wondered why I felt so flustered, as though I were betraying a lover, but then decided to let it go. I was enjoying David’s story, after all. “What happened to Stanley?” I asked, engrossed. “He ended up quitting. I think another co-worker put ghost peppers in his sandwich, so when Stanley went to steal it, he turned almost purple,” David said. “Well, serves him right for stealing other people’s lunches,” I decided. David nodded. “So, how ha

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