Chapter 38

1516 Words
“Please let go,” Renee muttered to Jason, her voice inaudible as the ridge of him caught between her thighs. Jason’s lips twitched up in a wicked smile. “You humans are all the same,” he replied, amused. “She said let go,” Kris warned, standing his ground. “Or what?” Jason challenged. “I’m a demon, kid. No one can beat me.” “She can,” Kris urged. “You don’t have to give him his power.” “That’s not how it works,” Jason sneered. “She has no control over me.” “Yes she does,” Kris implored. “You’re scared to admit it.” “She doesn’t!” Jason roared, making Renee flinch. “Just go! Kris, please just go…” Renee’s heart broke repeating herself. The grip around her neck tightened all the more while fear bled into her belly. “See?” Jason replied, spinning on the ball of his foot to lead her out of the side door. “You too,” Renee squeaked out. “Get off of me,” she struggled. “I didn’t just leave one hell for another.” Renee just barely regained her footing, slipping out of Jason’s grip as she did. “You… you got what you wanted already,” she assured him, exhausted. “There isn’t any more to take.” Just as she exhaled she felt her legs buckle. … No, no… no. Muscles began to buckle, her breath unsteadied, and worst of all, as she dropped, her lights went out. Had she had any lasting consciousness, Renee would have thanked the gods for her sweet release. But no… Renee was out. Her subconscious reeled at the feel of finally letting go. However forced, her burning eyelids sealed, leaving the two to sort out their differences on their own. *** Renee awoke with a start to the sound of school bells blasting in her ears. Panicking, she looked around the room to find herself in the senior commons. “I can’t be in here,” she whimpered to herself. “Woah, what’s the hurry?” Jason’s voice rang out beside her. “I—“ “You’re not going anywhere,” he nodded back at Renee, then down to the floor. She frowned at the sight of a vitals stand positioned across from her. “The nurse has you hooked up…” he added, his unjustified attention glared at her for it. “Why? I-I’m fine,” she lied. “You’re not,” he assured her. “You’re getting your fourth bag of fluids intravenously now.” … so what if he had a point? … Jason wasn’t allowed to win. “So I’m just supposed to stay here then?” “I knew you were smart.” Renee rolled her eyes and laid back instead of bickered with the demon. “I don’t have the strength to care,” she said, hoping she could shut him up. Her head fell back against what she thought was the couch cushion when the unmistakable feel of skin and fur overtook her senses. “Sorry,” she muttered, trying to sit up again. “Stay,” Kris whispered beside her. “I’ve got you,” he mumbled next. Renee protested, scared and confused. “No, I–” Renee choked out. “He’s gonna…” “Shh,” Kris tried to help her settle. “You don’t understand,” Renee wriggled out of his hold. “I’m not like this. I’m not… I don’t…” The tug of the IV tube caught her off guard. Sure, she’s practiced on herself before. She knows how the general process works, why it’s there in the first place but the tug feels off. It rattles her nerves, making her panic even more. Kris seemed to move with her, his body felt like a wave of warmth. So, so welcoming. So, so capable of protection, she thought. … I’m not worthy of that. … He belongs to someone else. … Don’t get used to it - he isn’t for you. As if she needed to think about rejection now… in her state. “I need to get out of here,” she forced out, trying to breathe through her self-inflicted heartbreak. … It’s better this way. … Keep my distance. Can’t get hurt. Renee forced herself to stare at the couch cushions. … Don’t make eye contact. … Don’t make a sound. … Wait for them to leave. “I’m not going anywhere,” Kris rumbled beside her. She could almost hear the way Jason’s smile pulled up at the corners. … Stupid comments were only seconds away. … She knew. “You know what you have to do to get rid of me… but you won’t.” Try as she might, she couldn’t get smaller. The couch wouldn’t swallow her up, nor the floor, or the coma she fell into the night before. Kris’ curiosity seemed to burn the oxygen out of the room. She knew what he wanted. What they wanted. “I already told you,” Renee whispered. “You’re a liar, Renee,” Jason called her out. … Well, that was true. … Painful to know Kris could judge her now. He’s not yours, she reminded herself. “You brought this on yourself, lying to the entire staff, me… I mean… I’m pretty sure this is why you’re such a loner.” Renee shook her head slightly, defiantly. Who was he to say anything anyway? “People lie to get out of s**t, guy,” Kris stood up for Renee. It was unwarranted, but it perked her up. Still, it was hard to unravel herself from the ball she contorted her body into. “Not like this, shifter,” Jason assured him, like he should be ashamed of himself. “Do you like this Rey? This attention?” “No,” she replied carefully. “Don’t be an ass,” Kris butted in. “Can’t you see she’s unwell?” “None of this concerns you, beast,” Jason countered. “You’ve been asked to go all night. Yet, you don’t listen. Why is that?” Kris shifted in his seat. Renee could feel the ripples of his warmth kiss her skin ever so slightly. It called to her to look at him, so her eyes traveled down the yellowy orange waffle fabric, carefully. Slowly, as if she’d be caught and crucified for her intentions. It felt like ages until he spied him. His shifted form, half man, half wolf, beautiful in every respect, sat beside her bare. Renee’s heart thumped loudly in her chest. She slept against him? Like that? Her eyes darted around, trying not to stay on just one of his features, but failed. Oh gods, did she fail! His legs were thick, and sprawled out to either side of him, sitting comfortably. She couldn’t help but follow his fur through the matted valleys between his legs. Good, gods, how the size of him was tucked there, made her mouth go dry. It must have been seconds but it felt like days, pinned to that spot. What was wrong with her? Renee ripped her attention off of him, throwing it around anywhere. Everywhere she looked, he was there. The swell of his chest, the fur decorating his throat and shoulders. How comfortable he looked. … She was there, wasn’t she? Renee panicked. “His eyes are up higher,” Jason teased her. “Fvck you,” Renee managed to cuss him off. Renee refused, looking back towards the baztard mouthing off. “You would like that wouldn’t you?” he teased then thumbed over to Kris. “He could watch this time.” “I don’t share,” Kris evenly replied, gaining a chortle from Jason. “What is your purpose here? Just to give her hell?” “He wants into my family life,” Renee murmured. “Ah, it's so good to hear the truth.” “There’s an opening,” she replied, pulling the IV out of her arm. … Enough of this. “I’m sure they’d LOVE to have you,” she spat. "What do you mean by that?" "I said what I said," she murmured, then felt Kris beside her. "Don't..." "Please don't push me away," Kris begged softly beside her. "I can't right now. I just want to be alone..." Leaving his side, out into the cold of the room felt unlike any other pain she'd known. Why'd she bother with that four letter word? Love was never afforded to her, and the resentment that she had for Jason at the thought of him receiving what was supposed to be for her hurt even more. They would love him. They would love shitting on her too. She knew. "I may have to pay your parents a visit then," Jason began, "But not without their daughter." Renee's eyes widened, worried and unable to make a sound. "Don't," Kris warned. "Please, Jason... I can't go back."
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