
The Prince & The Mafia Princess


All Alora Birk has ever wanted is freedom.

Freedom from having to be a Mafia Heiress.

She wanted to live a normal life, but at the end of the day she knew she had a duty to her family and there was no escaping the mafia, especially when her father was one of the heads of the five New York mafia families.

But she still took a chance, got herself 60 days to live the life she dreamed of.

She just hadn't expected to to fall for a tall, handsome, British stranger.


Liam who offers her a deal, no strings attached European adventure.

Though Alora knew that this could end disastrously for her, she begins a whirlwind romance that changes her to the core.

But as their days come to a close, she can't help but want more, She had fallen in love with Liam. That was never the deal between them.

How could Alora return to her world now?

Did Liam feel even remotely the same way she did?


Liam had secret of his own.

Obligations to his own family. The British Royal family and they weren't the most welcoming people.

Alora was a good distraction but he couldn't fall in love with her... could he?

She was a breath of fresh air, the change he had needed in his life at the time but he was a Prince, a prince that had very little control over his own life decisions.

Could they end up together?

A Royal British Prince and a Mafia Princess?

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The Great Escape
Chapter 1 The Great Escape Alora Birk sat in her opulent bedroom, the sounds of the bustling New York City streets below muffled by the thick walls of the mansion. The grandeur of her surroundings, with its elaborate décor and luxurious furnishings, only served to heighten her sense of entrapment. Her father's empire was built on power and control, a legacy of dominance in the underworld that extended its influence into every aspect of her life. Yet, all Alora desired was a taste of freedom, a chance to live her own life, even if just for a brief moment. Her hazel eyes, filled with determination, scanned the note she had written for what felt like the hundredth time. It was simple and to the point, yet it carried the weight of her desperate plea for autonomy: Dear Father, I know this will come to as a shock, for me to run away like this. But I need some time to myself. I just want the chance to live my life on my own terms, but I also know that I am a Birk and I have a duty to my family. I promise I will return. I just ask you give me two months of my life, to do whatever I want. I will be gone for 60 days and promise to return by September 1. I just want to live like a normal person for a while. Please understand. I'll come back and do whatever you want, marry whoever you choose, and live whatever life you want me to. Just give me these two months.  Love, Alora She folded the note and placed it on her perfectly made bed. Her heart raced as she grabbed the backpack she had hidden under her bed. It contained everything she needed for her journey: clothes, money, and a new identity. Alora Birk would disappear tonight, and nobody would stop her. She took one last look around her room, the walls adorned with luxurious decor that screamed wealth and status. Alora had never wanted for anything material, but the price of being Franklin Birk's daughter was a gilded cage. She opened the window and took a deep breath. The fire escape was her route to freedom. Climbing down the cold metal ladder, Alora felt a surge of adrenaline. She reached the alley and quickly made her way to the street. Blending into the crowd, she hailed a cab and directed it to JFK Airport. Her heart pounded in her chest, but a smile played on her lips. She was doing it. She was finally free. At the airport, Alora approached the counter and booked a one-way ticket to Edinburgh, Scotland. She chose the destination at random, knowing it was far enough to start fresh. As the plane took off, she looked out the window at the city she was leaving behind, wondering if her family would honor her request or track her down. For now, she decided to focus on the thrill of the unknown. - - The plane landed smoothly at Edinburgh Airport, and Alora felt a rush of excitement mixed with apprehension. She collected her luggage and stepped into the arrival hall. For the first time in her life, she was truly alone. She eventually hailed a cab and made her way to the hotel she booked when she was waiting to board her flight. As she checked in, the receptionist greeted her with a warm smile. Alora gave her new name, "Anna Blake," and received the key to her room. Once inside, she took a deep breath and flopped onto the bed. Freedom felt exhilarating, but also terrifying. And before she knew she had fallen asleep in the clothes she had arrived in. The next morning, Alora set out to explore Edinburgh. The city's historic charm captivated her instantly. She wandered through the narrow streets, visited the majestic Edinburgh Castle, and enjoyed the vibrant atmosphere of the Royal Mile. Every corner of the city seemed to whisper tales of old, and Alora found herself getting lost in its beauty. As she strolled through Princes Street Gardens, she spotted a quaint café and decided to take a break. She ordered a cup of tea and settled into a corner, watching people pass by. She relished the anonymity, the lack of watchful eyes and the freedom to simply exist without the heavy burden of her family's legacy. For the first time, Alora allowed herself to dream about a future unbound by the expectations and dangers of her past. She imagined a life where she could pursue her passions, where her choices were her own. The thought brought a smile to her face, a sense of hope that she clung to desperately. Her days in Edinburgh were filled with simple pleasures that she had never fully appreciated before. She visited art galleries, marveled at the architecture, and indulged in local delicacies. Alora began to feel a sense of belonging in this foreign city, a connection to its history and its people. Yet, despite her newfound freedom, a part of her always remained on edge. She couldn't shake the feeling that her family might be searching for her, that the life she had temporarily escaped was not entirely behind her. Each night, as she returned to her hotel room, she double-checked the locks and listened for any unusual sounds, her paranoia a constant companion. One evening, as she wandered through the cobblestone streets, she found herself at the edge of the city, overlooking the Firth of Forth. The water shimmered in the fading light, the horizon painted with hues of orange and pink. Alora felt a profound sense of peace as she stood there, the weight of her past momentarily lifted. With a deep breath, she closed her eyes and made a silent promise to herself. She would make the most of these sixty days, savor every moment of her freedom. And when the time came to return to New York, she would face her family with renewed strength and determination. As the sun dipped below the horizon, Alora turned and made her way back to the heart of the city. Little did she know, her life was about to take a turn she never could have anticipated. For in the coming days, she would meet someone who would change everything, someone who would make her question the very foundations of the life she had known. But for now, Alora was content to live in the moment, to cherish the simple joy of being free. She was determined to write her own story, even if just for a short while, and to discover the person she truly was beneath the layers of obligation and expectation.

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