1900 Words
MARIA POV I finished my shift at Ciccio's Café, wiping down the last table with a sense of satisfaction. It had been a busy morning, and despite the chaos, I felt like I’d handled everything well. James, my manager, seemed to agree. As I straightened up, he walked over with a smile that made my stomach flutter just a bit. “Nice work today, Maria,” he said, his voice warm and genuine. “You’ve got a knack for this.” “Thanks,” I replied, trying to keep my tone casual. Compliments always made me a little uncomfortable, especially when they came from someone like James. He was older, confident, and undeniably attractive. The kind of guy who could make you feel seen in a way that was both exciting and unsettling. “Hey,” he continued, his eyes lingering on me a second longer than necessary, “how about we commemorate your first day with a drink tonight? It’s sort of a tradition around here, celebrating new beginnings.” I blinked, taken aback by the suddenness of his offer. Was he really asking me out for a drink? My first instinct was to decline, but then I hesitated. Was this just a friendly gesture, or was there something more behind it? And even if there was, would that really be such a bad thing? After all, James was charming, and it wasn’t like I had any other plans for tonight. Still, the idea of complicating things at work by potentially flirting with my manager made me uneasy. I bit my lip, unsure of how to respond. “Uh, I’m not sure…” I started, my voice trailing off as I searched for the right words. James must have sensed my hesitation because he quickly added, “No pressure, really. It’s just a tradition we have here at Ciccio’s. All the new hires get a proper welcome. Nothing more than that.” His reassurance made me feel a little better, but I still wasn’t entirely convinced. Yet, before I could overthink it any further, I found myself nodding. “Okay, I guess I could do that.” “Great,” James said, his smile widening. “I’ll see you at seven, then. Right here.” “Sure,” I replied, trying to sound more confident than I felt. “See you at seven.” With that, James wished me a good rest of the day and walked away, leaving me standing there with a head full of swirling thoughts. As I grabbed my things and left the café, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I might be stepping into something I wasn’t quite ready for. But then again, maybe I was just overreacting. After all, it was just a drink, right? Lost in my thoughts, I found myself wandering across the campus. The late afternoon sun was warm on my skin, and the sound of distant laughter from other students drifted through the air. It should have been a peaceful walk, but my mind was anything but calm. I needed to clear my head, to shake off this confusing mix of excitement and anxiety. Without even realizing it, my feet led me toward the campus pool. I hadn’t had a chance to swim since arriving in town, and now more than ever, I craved the feeling of being in the water. There was something about swimming that always managed to center me, to make everything else fade away. As I crossed through the park that led to the athletic complex, I suddenly tripped over an uneven patch of pavement. My arms flailed as I felt myself tipping forward, but before I could hit the ground, two strong arms wrapped around me from behind, catching me just in time. “Whoa, careful there,” a familiar voice chuckled, and I looked up to see Blake, the friend of Daxton and Henry, grinning down at me. His grip on my waist was firm, steadying me until I found my balance again. My face flushed with embarrassment as I stepped back, smoothing down my shirt. “Thanks, Blake. I don’t know where that came from. I swear I'm only this clumsy on land. Must be a whale in another life or something.” Blake laughed, his blue eyes sparkling with amusement. “Maybe you are just eager to fall in my embrace?" he added whigglinng his eyebrows, really?! " I’m glad I was here to save you from a faceplant though. Where are you headed in such a rush?” “To the pool,” I answered, feeling a bit awkward under his gaze. “I haven’t had a chance to swim since I got here, and I could really use it today.” “Swimming, huh? That’s cool.” Blake tilted his head, considering something. “How about grabbing a bite to eat first? I know a great spot nearby.” What was with everyone today? First James, now Blake—did I have a sign on my forehead that said “Ask me out”? I forced a polite smile and shook my head. “Thanks, but I think I’ll stick to my original plan. Maybe another time.” Blake raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk tugging at his lips. “You sure? I could always join you at the pool, keep an eye on you so you don’t drown.” “Really, I’m good,” I said, waving him off. “But thanks for the offer.” As I turned to leave, I caught a glimpse of Daxton and Henry stomping toward us, their expressions anything but friendly. Their eyes were locked on Blake, and the tension between them was palpable. “Blake,” Daxton called out, his tone dangerously calm, “may we have a word?” Great. Just what I needed—a confrontation. I quickly ducked my head, pretending not to have seen them as I hurried off toward the pool, my heart racing. The last thing I wanted was to get caught up in whatever drama was brewing between the three of them. I slipped into the locker room, grateful for the sanctuary it provided. The cool, quiet air was a stark contrast to the chaos outside. Chorine faint scent always calmed my nerves. I changed into my swimsuit, the familiar feel of the fabric against my skin made me happier, lighter. Pulling on my swim cap and goggles, I made my way to the pool deck. The pool was blissfully empty, save for a few swimmers doing laps at the far end. - mental note: always swim during periods - The water shimmered under the overhead lights, its surface smooth and inviting. I stood at the edge, taking a deep breath before diving in. The moment I hit the water, everything else faded away. The world above the surface disappeared, leaving only the gentle resistance of the water against my body as I began to swim. Each stroke was deliberate, each kick precise, propelling me forward with a rhythm that soothed my restless mind. With every lap, the tension in my shoulders eased. The doubts and worries that had plagued me all week slowly melted away, replaced by the simple joy of movement. In the water, I wasn’t clumsy or uncertain—I was strong, capable, in control. It was the only place where I felt completely at ease, where my thoughts could drift without pulling me under. I started humming a tune to myself, the sound muffled by the water but perfectly in sync with my strokes. The song gave me a steady rhythm, helping me maintain my pace as I swam back and forth across the pool. The repetition was soothing, almost meditative, and I found myself lost in the motion, my mind finally at peace. As I swam, I replayed the events of the day in my mind. James’s invitation, Blake’s teasing, Daxton and Henry’s protective stares—it was all so overwhelming, and yet, here in the water, it all seemed distant, almost insignificant. This was where I belonged, where I could be myself without the complications of life on dry land. After what felt like hours, I finally slowed my pace, floating on my back and staring up at the ceiling. The water cradled me, holding me up as I let out a long, contented sigh. I wished I could stay here forever, away from the expectations and pressures that seemed to follow me everywhere else. But eventually, I knew I had to get out. I couldn’t hide in the pool forever. There were things I needed to face, decisions I had to make. And tonight, at seven, I had to figure out what exactly James’s invitation meant—and what I wanted it to mean. As I climbed out of the pool, water dripping from my skin, I felt a renewed sense of clarity. Maybe I didn’t have all the answers yet, but I knew one thing for sure—I wouldn’t let anyone push me into something I wasn’t comfortable with. Whether it was James, Blake, or even the twins, I was determined to make my own choices. After drying off and changing back into my clothes, I left the pool with a slight smile on my face. As I walked back toward the bus stop, the golden light of the setting sun casting long shadows on the ground, I felt a quiet sense of accomplishment. My head was clearer, and for the first time in a while, I felt like I was on solid ground. The swim had done wonders, helping me sort through the tangled mess of thoughts and emotions that had been pulling me in different directions all day. Just as I was about to cross the quad, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out, expecting another text from mom. Instead, I was greeted by the sight of eight missed calls. From Henry and Daxton. My heart skipped a beat, and a wave of unease washed over me. Was it even to feel frustration and butterflies at the same moment? maybe i was loosing my mind. What could they possibly want? I unlocked my phone to find my w******p chat with them overflowing with notifications. Text after text, the thread was a minefield of messages. **Henry:** *Where are you?* **Daxton:** *Maria, pick up the phone.* **Henry:** *We need to talk.* **Daxton:** *Answer your damn phone.* **Henry:** *If you’re ignoring us on purpose, it’s not funny.* The messages blurred together as I scrolled, their words dripping with an intensity that made my stomach twist. I scoffed, a mix of irritation and nerves bubbling up inside me. What could possibly be so urgent? Nothing. Whatever this was, I’d handle it when I got back to the house. Right now, I needed to focus on getting ready for tonight. What do I have to wear? jeans and a thank top may give the friendzone vibe, a skirt? a miniskirt? Do I even have a fitting one? Do I need to go shopping? I slipped my phone back into my pocket, a strange feeling crept up my spine. When I rounded the corner toward the pool's exit, I nearly stopped in my tracks. Standing there, leaning against the wall with their arms crossed and identical death glares on their faces, were Henry and Daxton.
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