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MARIA POV I cross the campus under the cloak of night, the dimly lit pathways stretching out before me like rivers of light and shadow. The tall, ancient trees surrounding the university rustle softly in the breeze, their leaves whispering secrets that only the darkness can hear. My footsteps echo faintly on the pavement, the only sound in the otherwise silent night, amplifying the anxiety that's been gnawing at my nerves since I left the café. The distant hum of the city seems miles away, and here, in this deserted stretch of campus, it feels like I’m the last person left on Earth. Despite the calm exterior of the campus, an unease twists in my stomach. I keep glancing over my shoulder, half expecting to see someone lurking in the shadows. But each time I turn around, there’s nothing—no movement, no figure, just the flickering streetlights and the endless night. Yet, I can't shake the feeling that I'm being watched. The sensation is so strong, it feels almost tangible, like a burning gaze searing into my back. But when I stop to listen, straining to catch any hint of footsteps or rustling in the bushes, I hear nothing but the rhythmic pounding of my own heart. *Maybe I’m just being paranoid,* I tell myself as I quicken my pace, the cold night air stinging my cheeks. *Or maybe not.* It’s impossible to ignore the nagging suspicion that someone’s there, hidden in the shadows, just out of sight. But each time I stop to check, I see nothing. The campus is eerily quiet, only the faint buzz of a distant light pole breaking the silence. My senses are on high alert, every nerve ending tingling with the need to run, to escape whatever—or whoever—might be out there. The encounter with James earlier this evening flickers through my mind, distracting me momentarily from my fear. We had spent the evening together, a simple toast after work that had turned into something more. It wasn’t exactly a date, but there was a spark between us, an unspoken flirtation that had lingered in the air. His touches had been just a little too long, his smiles a little too knowing. At first, it had been thrilling, the kind of attention that made my heart skip a beat. But as the night wore on, I started to question whether I’d misjudged him. *Could Daxton and Henry have been right?* The thought gnaws at me, irritatingly persistent. I’d brushed off their concerns, their overprotectiveness, as nothing more than typical big-brother behavior, exaggerated by their shared need to control everything around them. But the way James had looked at me tonight, the way his hand had lingered on the small of my back as we said our goodbyes—it made me wonder if there was something more to their warnings. But there's no way I’ll admit that to them. Never. The satisfaction they’d get from being proven right is something I won’t give them. No way in hell. After all, I’m capable of making my own decisions, and even if James was a little forward tonight, that doesn’t mean he’s a bad guy. Actually, if I think about it, he's pretty damn attractive. Tall, with that effortlessly charming smile and those piercing blue eyes that seemed to look right through me. And he’s confident, sure of himself in a way that draws people in. Maybe I’m overthinking this. Maybe spending more time with him—like we talked about, swimming together at the gym—will help me get to know him better. And who knows? There’s a flicker of hope in that thought, a small glimmer of excitement that cuts through the anxiety clawing at my insides. But just as quickly, doubt creeps back in. As I near the parking lot, the shadows deepen, and the anxiety gnawing at me intensifies. *Get a grip, Maria,* I scold myself, trying to shake off the fear. But it’s no use. My frustration rises, fueled by the unsettling silence and the tension that’s been building all night. I just want to get to my car and leave this feeling behind. But when I finally reach the lot, any hope of finding solace in solitude evaporates in an instant. Standing there, leaning casually against the hood of my mother’s car, are Daxton and Henry. They’re both dressed in dark clothes, their expressions serious, and their eyes locked on me with a mix of concern and something else—something that looks a lot like anger. Unbelievable. My frustration boils over as I approach them, the weight of the night pressing down on me. "Seriously, guys? Are you out of your minds?" I demand, my voice slicing through the stillness of the night. They don’t move, their eyes following me as I approach. Henry is the first to speak, his voice calm but with a hard edge. “We had to make sure you were safe, Maria.” “Safe?” I echo, incredulous. “I can’t believe this. You two followed me? Do you have any idea how insane that sounds?” Daxton’s jaw tightens, and he crosses his arms over his chest, his gaze unwavering. “You didn’t exactly leave us much choice.” I stop a few feet away from them, glaring at their stubborn faces. The thought that they’ve been following me this whole time, watching my every move, sends a fresh wave of anger surging through me. “I’m not a child, you know. I can take care of myself.” “Yeah, because James is such a great guy, right?” Henry shoots back, sarcasm dripping from his words. “He’s just a charming, harmless flirt who has no ulterior motives whatsoever.” My eyes narrow, and I can feel the heat rising in my cheeks. “You don’t know him like I do. And even if he was interested in more than just work, that’s my business, not yours.” Daxton sighs, running a hand through his hair. “Baby girl, we’re not trying to control you. We just want to make sure you’re okay. That’s all.” “Well, congratulations,” I snap, sarcasm heavy in my voice. “Mission accomplished. I’m fine. You can go back to whatever it is you do when you’re not stalking me.” “Maria—” Henry starts, but I cut him off. “No. Enough.” I take a deep breath, trying to calm the storm of emotions swirling inside me. “I get it, okay? You’re worried about me. But this? Following me around like a couple of bodyguards? It’s too much.” Hot bodyguards, too hot indeed. They exchange a glance, a silent communication that I’ve seen a thousand times just in a week, damn twins. It’s a look that says more than words ever could, a look that leaves no room for argument. Finally, Dax nods, but instead of stepping back, he steps closer. There’s a shift in the air, something electric that crackles between us, making my breath catch. His expression softens slightly, but there’s a heat in his eyes that wasn’t there before. “We’ll back off,” he says, his voice low and almost soothing, yet there’s a thread of something darker woven into his tone. “But you need to understand something, babe.” Henry mirrors his movement, coming up on my other side, so close I can feel the warmth radiating from his body. The dominant presence of both of them surrounding me makes my heart race, and I’m suddenly hyperaware of how small the space between us has become. “Yeah,” Henry murmurs, his voice rougher, more dangerous. He reaches out, gently taking a strand of my hair between his fingers, twirling it slowly as if savoring the sensation. “You’ve been a bad girl, haven’t you? Not listening to us. Going out with James when we told you not to.” The words send a jolt through me, something between shock and... excitement? My pulse quickens, and I can feel a flush creeping up my neck. I want to respond, to say something sharp, something defiant, but the words die on my lips. My mind races, but my body betrays me, the tension coiling low in my belly, making it impossible to think straight. Those silver orbs distract me. The alluring masculine scent they have. I’m under a spell, definetly. Dax leans in closer, so close that his breath brushes against my ear, sending a shiver down my spine, and take a strand of hair between hos fingers, mimicking his brother actions. “You know we only want what’s best for you,” he whispers, his voice a velvet caress. “But if you’re going to keep making these kinds of choices, we might have to step in a little more... firmly.” He added brushing his lips against my neck. I’m speechless, caught between the intensity of their gaze and the heat pooling in my core. There’s something intoxicating about their proximity, the way they crowd me without touching, the way their presence fills the space around me, making it hard to breathe. My thoughts are a jumble of confusion and something else—something that feels dangerously like desire. Henry’s hand trails down the length of my hair before he finally releases it, his fingers grazing my shoulder as he steps back just enough to look me in the eye. “ You’re ours to protect, ladybug," he whispers, his lips grazing my ear, sending a jolt of electricity through me. "And to punish, if necessary." A surge of heat floods my veins, and I can feel the pulse of desire that their proximity stirs within me. I try to push it down, to keep my composure, but it’s impossible when they’re this close, when they’re looking at me like that—like they want to devour me whole. "Damn you," I manage to whisper, though it comes out more as a breathless exhale than the defiant retort I intended. But they both just smile, dark and knowing, as if they can see right through my bravado to the truth beneath. Daxton finally releases my hair, his hand lingering on my shoulder for just a moment longer than necessary before he steps back. Henry follows, his fingers trailing down my arm as he moves away, leaving a tingling sensation in their wake. "We’ll be watching, babe," Daxton says, his voice softening only slightly, but the underlying command is clear. "Don’t disobey su again, unless you’re ready for the consequences." I stand there, frozen in place as they turn and walk away, the echoes of their footsteps fading into the night. My heart is still pounding in my chest, my mind racing with everything that just happened. But even as I try to calm myself, the heat they stirred in me lingers, refusing to be ignored. Dammit. I’m in so much trouble.
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