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Maria POV "So, Maria, have you thought about what you might want to do while you're here in Lexington? There are plenty of opportunities at the university," Robert said, his eyes twinkling with excitement. I looked up from my plate, feeling the weight of everyone's gaze. This dinner felt surreal, like stepping into a different world. The upscale restaurant, the polished conversation—it was all so different from what I was used to, and it made me feel uncomfortable. Maybe the fact that I caught the twins staring at me more than once during the meal was also part of it. How was I supposed to act natural while two gods were examining me? I could feel their burning gaze on me while I tried to answer the awkward and out-of-line question from their father. Taking a calming deep breath, I replied, "I haven't decided yet," trying to sound more confident than I felt. "I'm thinking of looking at some courses and seeing what interests me." I didn't want to give the impression of being lazy, and Robert's question irked me in that sense. "Okay, darling, I would prefer for you to focus only on academics, just like your new brothers!" Robert said, smiling warmly. "The University of Kentucky has a lot to offer." I nodded, forcing a smile. The truth was, I had no intention of enrolling in university courses. My plan was to find a job and keep an eye on Robert. I had to be careful not to reveal too much. For now, it was better to play along and follow the flow. -Just like your new brothers- Brothers my ass! When I glanced at the twins for the first time, I was astonished. Olive skin, dirty blonde hair, and piercing grey eyes. They looked like gods—tall, freakishly tall, and muscular. Not massive like football players, but well-built. I was pretty sure they had six-packs under their shirts. It would have been a hot dream if it wasn't for the fact that they were spoiled brats about to become my stepbrothers. Daxton gave off nice vibes, but Henry—ladybug Henry—was an asshole. Maybe two assholes, given that they were identical twins. "Yeah, we'd love to show you around," Daxton said in a low tone, sending an unexpected shiver down my spine. "There's a lot to see," Henry whispered in my left ear, making me blush. Why does my body betray me now? Couldn't mom pick another guy? One without hot sons? "Thanks, brothers," I replied, feeling a small smile tugging at my lips. "I'd like to explore with you." My choice of words left them astonished and our parents pleased. I can tease too. They are not the only ones able to do it. As the conversation shifted to other topics, I allowed myself to relax a bit. The food was delicious, and the atmosphere was warm and inviting. Despite the initial awkwardness, I began to feel more at ease. The rest of the dinner passed in a blur of conversation and laughter between mom and Robert, while Daxton and Henry were quiet. I smiled to myself, I got them speechless with one little tease. Maybe this new arrangement will be funny. That night, as I lay in bed, I couldn't help but replay the evening in my mind. The way Robert beamed with pride, the warm smiles from mom, and the unexpected attention from Daxton and Henry—it was all so different from what I had imagined. I had been so skeptical about coming here, about leaving behind everything I knew. But maybe, just maybe, this could be a fresh start. A chance to find my own path, away from the shadows of the past. The next morning, I woke up early, the house still quiet. I decided to explore the mansion a bit, curious about my new surroundings. The place was huge, with elegantly decorated rooms and a sprawling backyard. As I wandered through the halls, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe. Eventually, I found my way to the kitchen, where Mom was preparing breakfast. She looked up and smiled as I entered. "Good morning, honey," she greeted me warmly. "Did you sleep well?" "Good morning, Mom," I replied, returning her smile. "Yes, thank you. The bed was really comfortable." "I'm glad to hear that," Mom said, her eyes twinkling. "I was just making some pancakes. Would you like some?" "Be honest, are you going to use the mix or make the blueberry super-yummy pancakes from scratch?" I asked with a suspicious look. Her eyes sparkled with mischief. "What do you think?" I sniffed the air, took a look at the mess in the kitchen, and a huge smile appeared on my face. "Blueberry!" I giggled. Mom is an amazing baker. I swear her cinnamon rolls are the best of the best! And I bet if she had chosen another career path, she would have been a bakery owner. As Mom cooked, we chatted about little things and the plans for the day. It was nice, this simple domesticity. It reminded me of quieter times with her before everything changed. Just as we were finishing breakfast, Daxton and Henry strolled into the kitchen, just in a pair of shorts, looking relaxed and ready for the day. Holy f*****g s**t. I wasn't ready for that. Being a water polo player, I was more than used to seeing hot guys on full display, but I wasn't ready to see these gods. I was wrong yesterday. Eight-packs, not six. Chiseled chests, broad shoulders, and, help me God, a V-line in full display. I swallowed hard, diverting my gaze from the two hot jocks, finding a renewed interest in analyzing the coffee grounds in my cup. "Morning," Daxton said with a husky voice, grabbing a plate of pancakes. "M-Morning," I replied, failing miserably to seem composed in front of them. Well, s**t. "So, Maria," Henry said, taking a seat beside me. "You ready for that tour of the campus?" I hesitated for a moment, glancing between the two of them. Despite my reluctance to engage too much with them, a part of me was curious about the university and, to be honest, curious about spending more time with these intriguing boys. "Sure," I finally said, trying to steady my voice. "I'd like that. It would be good to get a sense of the place." Henry grinned, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Great. We'll make sure you see all the best spots." Daxton nodded in agreement. "Yeah, you'll love it. Plus, it's a good way to get to know each other better." I smiled, feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness. "Yeah, sounds good. I'll be ready in 20," I said, sprinting out of the kitchen. Finally in my room, I was able to breathe normally again, steadying my heartbeat. Girl, get a grip! I have felt so affected by a guy once in my life before. And it didn't end well. Moreover, I do not trust their father. Not one bit. I brushed my teeth and slipped into a pair of shorts, a tank top, and grabbed my favorite hoodie, just in case. I put on my black Converse and my little backpack. Let's get the show started.
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