
1941 Words
Cara Outside, a Beta with dirty blonde hair and cerulean blue eyes snorts as he gives me a once over. My throat tightens, self-consciousness creeping in. He c***s his head to the side with a snort. “This is what you wasted my time for?” I bite my bottom lip as he shakes his head and twists away. “Silly.”  I exchange glances with Hana, contemplating if I should change the dress or something but she pushes me, whispering. “What do you think you're doing just standing there? Pay him no mind and hurry after him.”  I nod, and wasting no time, take quick steps after him over the sharp stones that filled the path from our shack, past the major entrance of the Omega quarters, to the pack village. The run down shacks morph into nice buildings as we advance, smoke curling from their chimneys into the bright night sky. Our pack territory is set off from the wild by strong, barbed wire fences. It's been effective in keeping the rouges and zombies off. According to a reliable source, the zombies have been multiplying in Southside Dakota and they were spreading. Alpha Markus strengthened the fences just in case some happens to head this way looking for food.  The moon casts it's iridescent glow over the grassy lands, and fills me with a faint hint of nostalgia. Nights like this in the past were spent our in the open — Hana, Leora and I — listening with rapt attention as she told us folk tales. I'm sure Leora and Hana would be running about now, playing hide and seek. We always enjoy the night better than the day, and sometimes we go to hunt for food in the wild, basking in the moonlight's glow.  Now that I'm going to be paired with Ronan, we'll have no reason to ever hunt again. He'll provide for us. An excited feeling dance up my spine at the thought. I'll make sure I please him. I'll do everything expected of a dutiful, loving mate.  It isn't long before we turn around a bend and saunter into the Alpha quarters. The walls are strong, the corrugated sheets new, and curtains sleek. The yard is littered with Gammas and Betas chatting with the chief Alpha Markus. The man who orchestrated the death of my parents, yet still keeps my sisters and I sheltered under his care. I hate him. I hate him with every fiber of my being and it's incredibly sad he'll ever know. Nor will he care. To him, I'm the farthest thing from a threat.  He's gesturing wildly now as I approach, his silver eyes finally settling on me. They flicker with an unreadable emotion, his jaw slack and he takes in my appearance. He's got bruises and scars all over his face that makes him look twice more dangerous than he really is.  Just like Mother taught me, I lower my head in respect. No matter how badly they treated me or my sisters, I'll never stop being obedient or respectful towards them. A fine, survival tactic.  “Cara,” he breathes, holding his arms out for me. I stiffen as he wraps them around my bosom, gripping my chin and forcing me to look up at him. “You look sexy in that dress. Probably the best clothing I've ever seen you put on.”  I bunch my fists by my sides, itching to knock his teeth off, but I hold myself and offer him my worst fake smile ever. Not that he's too smart to know.  His fellow alphas and betas all snicker and giggle like little chickens as though he'd just said the funniest thing ever. I feel their eyes on me, undressing, make up weird, infuriating scenarios in their f****d up heads as they leer. It's not the first time they're doing this, which is why this mating is necessary. With Ronan by my side, they'll learn to hide their blatant shamelessness. None of them are true friendship material. Markus' time as Alpha is slowly coming to an end and I know each and every one of them wants to rule next. I don't care if they fight, I just need to make sure my sisters and I are safe and protected before that happens.  “You mother wished so much for this night to come for you.” Markus' murmurs, a shadow falling over his eyes, his silence abrupt. Then he shrugs, shakes his head and clears his throat. It's a surprise to hear him mention her. He's always been rude to her while she was alive. “Anyways, let's quit with the sentiments. Ronan is a lucky man to have such a beautiful girl as you for a mate.”   I detect a hint of jealousy in his demeanor as he releases me and steps away, then takes a step forward and pushes the door open for me.  Holding the hem of my gown so as not to trip over it, I walk inside, sensing the eyes of the guards on me, hear their whisperings. I draw the door shut quickly, shutting them off, then take a sweeping glance across the spacious living area. There's a huge desk by my right filled with books and chocolate. My mouth salivates because I've never tasted chocolate before and they were extremely rare to come by — never distributed among Omegas. I look down the wide corridor, my breath hitching when my eyes land on him.  Ronan.  He's standing in the doorway to the bedroom, his sharp eyes observing my every move like a hawk's. He's standing straight and his face is expressionless, so I can't really say if he's angry or happy to see me. He's tall — over six point five — and built as a tree trunk. His hair is dark and long, falling over his shoulder. His got his left hand on the wall, leaning against it, and a whiskey bottle in his right which he grips tighter as he watches me with the same fiery hunger as the betas outside. Thick stubble lines his jawline, his lips full, his biceps bulging and sleek with sweat. Everything about him screams superiority. Power. Strength. He's not handsome, but attractive, at least. If he's got huge arms like that, then that means he can protect us. And the Moon Goddess choose him for me. I have to trust her choice has all the qualities, or even half of what I want in a mate.  I blink, frozen in my tracks. I didn't expect to see him so...soon? I swallow hard, forgetting how to breath. My tongue dead. My thoughts jumbled.  A tidal wave of mixed feelings hits me quietly — all of them hitting me at once. Fear, anxiety, desire. A desire so strong it trickles down my arms, down my body, thick in between my legs. My wolf lingers just beneath the surface now, calling out his name. Calling out to him. So this is how it feels like being close to my fated mate... interesting.  Ronan takes a step forward, almost stumbling, but manages to hold himself. My eyes widen. Christ. How long has he been drinking? How come he's even drinking at all? Surely, this isn't the man I thought was different than the other assholes. I've always seen Ronan as quiet, smart, calculative. Now he's drunk, shirtless and has the smell of liquor trailing him as he belches and beckons for me.  “Come on now, mate. Come forward,” he demands, licking his bottom lips, his eyes lingering over my chest, my breasts. His arousal is so obvious, it makes my skin crawl.  Discomfort lodges itself in my chest and I clutch to it, but my wolf is excited by his command. I find myself step forward, unwillingly, reality falling onto my back like a big bag of bricks. All my earlier courage is gone. I can't do this. I can't stand any of this, even as I move closer to him.  Outside the house, the yard is silent, and I'm sure the men are pressing their ears to the door right now, trying to catch a whiff of what's happening in here right now. The walls come at me, suffocating, tight. I know what they're waiting for. Proof that confirms Ronan as my first. The proof that he's bred with me and claimed me as his, and no other man can dare touch me.  “Why are you so slow? Hurry the f**k up.”  My throat tightens, my legs thickening with lead.  “Hang on,” I blurt out as I halt a few feet away from him. “First off, before anything, I'd like us to get to know about ourselves more. This isn't a hook-up, you know?”  He scoffs. “Of course it isn't.” He takes a big swing from the bottle, alcohol whooshing out, drenching his shirt before he sets it on the floor. I look past him, at the big king-sized bed with red beddings and rose petals scattered all over it.  Bile rises up my throat, causing me to clutch my stomach lightly. “As soulmates, it'll do us a lot of good if we get to know what we like, what we dislike, what we can can tolerate... what's your favorite food, where you're from before you were recruited into the pack by Alpha Markus...those kind of things? Healthy discussions?”  He throws his head back in raucous laughter and looks at me as though I've lost my mind. I'm not prepared when he closes the distance between us and reaches out to hold my arm.  I shrug it off, step backwards, my eyes narrowing.  He lifts a brow, amusement dancing on his lips. “Seems you're tougher than you look, huh?” He sneers. Heat flushes my skin where he touched me, my wolf hardly keeping still anymore. Any moment now she'll leap out and pine for him unabashedly.  “I like them tough. They're fun to tame. Fun to break,” he chuckles. I fold my arms across my chest, studying him and wondering whether I should take his words seriously.  He licks his lips again, reaching out to touch my dress, feel the soft material in between his fingers. Before I know what's happening, he tears the fabric down my left side, material ripping apart, rendering it useless. Tears fill my eyes.  A gift from Mother.  I choke back a sob, shoving him away. “Have you lost your mind? Stop!”  I dark a brief glance around, searching for a possible means of escape. I need to get away from this terrible man. I've ignored the warning signs enough. I'll never be happy with him. He'll abuse and hurt me, just like I've seen other Alphas treat females.  I'm such a fool for thinking he'll be anything different. I should know better. The Red Moon Pack have no moral men. Fear engulfs me, and heat nestles between my thighs. Despite the alarm bells, my wolf is still turned on my him. I whimper and recoil, not wanting him to sense my fright. Not wanting him to touch me any further.  But with strong, powerful hands, he catches me by the waist and sweeps me off my feet. Carrying me over a shoulder, he turns around, enters the bedroom. My arms are weak and my chest is pounding.  I want out of this so badly. This is not how I expected my mating ritual to go.  I need a saviour, I silently cry. Anyone. Please.   
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