2486 Words

The barkeeper emitted a long and marvelling whistle. "I thought you was dead," he said. "Why?" Morganson asked in a faltering voice. He had become unused to talking, and he was not acquainted with the sound of his own voice. It seemed hoarse and strange. "You've been dead for more'n two months, now," the barkeeper explained. "You left here going south, and you never arrived at Selkirk. Where have you been?" "Chopping wood for the steamboat company," Morganson lied unsteadily. He was still trying to become acquainted with his own voice. He hobbled across the floor and leant against the bar. He knew he must lie consistently; and while he maintained an appearance of careless indifference, his heart was beating and pounding furiously and irregularly, and he could not help looking hungril

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