3497 Words

RYECINTH DISTACIO THE NIGHT is empty. You can feel the breeze of the cold wind to your body. There’s no one making any move. From the joyous and most awaited event turns out to be an event that everyone would wish that it will never happen. Theo is with me. I scanned his body and we need to treat him immediately and up until now, Gigi and Kai are nowhere to be found. “I hope that Kai and Gigi are safe from this chaos.” I said seriously. I don't exactly know what I felt. I saw some men killing with no mercy to the people. Every step we take, every move we do, we always do it with carefulness to avoid getting the attention of the goons. “R-Rye, wait. We need to stop first. I heard some footsteps coming our way. Let’s hide, faster.” Theo uttered every word nervously. We saw a pile of

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