3650 Words

THIRD PERSON TWELVE O'CLOCK in the evening. It's midnight and Kai Alula still has no consciousness. Gigi Laveen keeps on waking him up since the time she found him under the concrete that forms a triangle. And that makes him lucky. That concrete-forming triangle actually protected him from further pressure. "Kai, you mother fucker, wake up." Gigi dragged him under the bush and from there, she sat along with the seemingly lifeless body of Kai while incessantly shaking the body. Her face is filled with dirt, her make-up on the face that once shone like a dazzling star is already gone and it is replaced by a complete mess. Her totally messed-up hair slightly covering her bloody face. Her jeans have no damage at all but her black-stained white blouse has a ripped part below the waist. S

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