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THIRD PERSON “KAIIIIII!” A VERY loud scream can be heard coming from Gigi Laveen, one of the four inmates in Unit 406. Her loud voice echoed in every corner of the unit while getting out from the bathroom. It was already six in the morning and Gigi's voice awakened the rest of the occupants. Take note, that scream is not just a mere scream. It seemingly filled with different levels of anger and irritation. From the other room, after stretching his arms, the other occupant, Kai Alula, pulled his naked upper body from his messy bed—wrinkles all over the bed sheet, two pillows are already on the floor, and his undies and used shirts are recklessly scattered around the room. “What’s wrong with this girl at this time? Early in the morning?” he muttered with his slightly-opened eyes, scratching his head repeatedly making his hair messy as well. "Seriously?" he flinched when his eyes got to the clock on the small table beside his bed. Kai Alula spent his whole last night awake by playing mobile games until two before sunrise. He often does that every Wednesday since their first period the next day starts at nine. And staring at the clock flashing at 6 o'clock irritates him. He was supposedly awake at eight. They already talked about that and the person behind his door just crossed the line. With his furrowed eyebrows, Kai Alula went to the door and a second after jerking the doorknob, a click can be heard and it was followed by a thunder. “YOU, CRICKET! All these times, you are using my toothbrush?!” Gigi’s irritated face abruptly greeted him while her right arm on her waist and a toothbrush on her other hand. Kai’s forehead creased. “What?! Are you nuts?” “Nuts your face!” she yelled at his face while smashing the pink toothbrush on the young man's naked chest. “Your f*cking toothbrush. You exchanged our toothbrush, eww! I’ve been using it for how many days now and just this morning I noticed the handle. You, cricket!" Gigi suddenly lowered her head to the left, put her hand on her mouth before she proceeded. "Uh! Disgusting! I’m gonna puke.” Kai’s mouth gaped as he looked at the toothbrush that Gigi smashed. The blue snake mark is visible on the lower part of the handle. With that, he walked towards the cabinet beside the doorway and pulled a pouch where he picked a pink toothbrush. He immediately assessed the mark on the handle. And there, he noticed the blue butterfly mark. “s**t,” he whispered as he entertained the thoughts that came up in his mind. He then turned his face towards Gigi, trying his best not to laugh at their epic experience. “Your toothbrush… here,” he just plainly uttered, pretending that it is no big deal. Gigi’s eyes knitted while staring at the pink toothbrush. With her face filled with annoyance. She looked up straight to the slightly grinning face of the young man in front of her. “That’s it? That is your only reaction?” “What? How do I supposedly react?” “We just f*****g exchanged toothbrushes! That’s gross, and the thought that we seemed to have an indirect kiss---” Gigi’s hysterical moment was interrupted when a man with round eyeglasses inserted. “What’s with the commotion again this time?” He is the first occupant of the unit, bedding next to Kai's room. The smart guy of the place, Theo Alyx Davis. He was just standing tall in his room's doorway while staring at the two having a morning argument. He yawned before he said another words, "Early in the morning, really? We have already talked about the rule, have we?" "Hush, Theo. I can't help but to confront this cricket about our exchanged toothbrush!" Gigi's voice raised and with that, Theo crept a slight smirk. Kai, on the other hand, prevents himself from escaping any sort of laugh. To the back of Gigi Laveen, another woman with eyeglasses was just looking plainly at them, confused as to what happened. She is the new occupant of the unit. The smallest of the four, very silent, and unreadable emotion is always painted on her pretty face. She is Ryecinth Distacio. The three of them just took a glance at her, not minding her as if she never existed. "What?" Gigi raised a brow at Theo. Theo couldn't help but laugh. "Sorry, but I thought you already noticed that immediately," he muttered after letting out his last giggle. "W-What?! All this time you knew? What the hell, Theo?!" Gigi exclaimed in disbelief. Theo just smirked before turning back to take a few steps to the kitchen. "You are the owner of your toothbrush. You should have known the moment you just hold it. You could feel something—a strange feeling. And I cannot believe you haven't figured it out the first time you touch it." Theo resorted. He slid his arms in his pocket and before turning to the side, he looked back. "In fact, you exchanged your toothbrushes the day we put our things on the table. That was..." he counted his fingers. "...already a week ago, perhaps. You must be enjoying—" "Yuckkk!" Gigi made a face. Her eyes widened and her nostril as well. "Stop it, stop it!'' She covered her ears. Then, she turned to Kai. "And you? Why are you laughing? You already knew about it the first time I used your toothbrush, did you? And you said not a single word, Arggh!" "Of course not. Hello, I'd rather share my toothbrush with another cricket than with your filthy toothbrush." Kai retorted. "And here is your toothbrush, we better not take this long. Our classes will soon start." he handed the toothbrush to Gigi but the latter just rolled her eyes. "Don't expect me to use that toothbrush you have already used. And why the hell are you also using a pink toothbrush? That's girly." Gigi replied, swatting away Kai's hand. Kai suddenly raised his eyebrows and tightened his forehead. "Color is not an indicator of a gender, just so you know—" "Enough. You two wanted to be late, did you?" Theo interrupted before they could argue long enough. He is now holding a cup of caramel coffee he got from the kitchen. He took a sip on it while glancing at his wristwatch. "We better prepare... and on the positive side, thank you for waking us," he added before diverting his gaze to the woman who was just silently looking at them. "Sorry for these two here, Rye. They're just like that. Like, you know, cats and dogs. But don't worry, they loved each other." Rye just smiled slightly and nodded her head that was already pinned down. Gigi shot Kai with a deadly glare before she went to her room, opposite Kai's. The latter just smiled mockingly before he slammed the door closed. Only Theo and Ryecinth were left in the living room. "Coffee, you want?" The four of them immediately prepared for their school and in just how many minutes, they went together to the Central Science University. Kai and Ryecinth whose in the same class that will start at nine, they both decided to go with the two, otherwise, it would be awkward for them staying in the same roof. The aforementioned university is one of the prestigious universities around Missi City. The students are expected to be wealthy, if not scholars, because the fees under the institution cannot be taken lightly. For your information, a student needs an initial pay of 250 thousands for just enrollment. As they enter the gate of the university, the students' foreheads creased noticing that Rye, a transferee and victim of bullies, is now walking with three CSA's known individuals—A baseball player heartthrob, the most beautiful cheerleader of the best cheerleading team, and the genius and call-out of many when things get tough. And the thought that this silent, dull girl is now with them, it shocks them the most. Before, only three of them were walking together in the entrance—and sometimes, two, when one of them woke up late. But the truth is that, Ryecinth is not the one who walked with them, they walked with her. After taking off from the building, Ryecinth took the other way because it would be awkward for both of her and them if she join them along the way. However, Theo decided to go with Ryecinth's and the two just followed. While walking, students around are incessantly whispering unrecognizable words. It was like, walking with the three of them is a crime and requires to be talked about. Surprisingly, Gigi, who heard those, stopped in front of two girls sitting on the bench in front of them. That sudden move made Theo, Kai and Ryecinth to stop too. Gigi swallowed to clear her throat and closed her eyes once before turning to the side. "People, listen. This girl right here is Ryecinth Distacio, her parents own a big business in Italy. She is richer than you thought. And as I've noticed, you all bullied her." Gigi spoke in the middle of the scattered students. After hearing that, Theo and Kai looked at her with surprised looks and Ryecinth raised her head to her in awe. Yes, Gigi Laveen was lying about Ryecinth's parents owning a big business. She just thought, people would stop hating her if she said those words. Well, she is Gigi Laveen, she knows their weaknesses and strengths. "And now, since she's already in our group, you have no longer the right to bully her, except me. I am the only one who can deal with high deals 'cause you won't be happy with the consequences once her parents knows, understood?'' After saying that, the students around did not respond, not even a single nod. They are just staring at Ryecinth in disbelief. "I said, understood? Only Gigi Laveen can touch her," she repeated, raising her voice with a glimpse of her bitchiness and tigress personality. And with that, Gigi is starting to receive a nod. "What are you talking about?" Theo asked as they continued walking towards the building of their department. With folded arms, Gigi spoke, "Well, I was just helping her. I know that we only accepted her in our circle for because of her, our rental fee will be lessened." she glanced at Ryecinth while saying that. "We, living in one unit, doesn't mean that I needed to befriend her. My standards are high." Ryecinth just acted as if she did not hear anything. She just kept on walking while her head was still pinned down. "So you are saying that I passed on your standards?" Kai muttered with a wide grin. "Again, my standards are high. We are not friends. Just a unit mate." Gigi sarcastically replied. Kai just mumbled something that cannot be fathomed, or incomprehensive. Before they could head towards the building, they stopped as someone suddenly approached them. "Oh, governor?" Gigi muttered, smiling at the woman who was wearing eyeglasses. The said governor smiled back at Gigi and then diverted her eyes to Kai. "I just want to inform you that I already passed your name to the engineering society for Mr. CE, in accordance with the upcoming inter-school event that will happen 5 days from now. You will be screened together with the other aspiring candidate," she cheerfully informed Kai while wagging the folders on her hand. Kai, who is now looking disgusted in front of the Governor, "Just cancel my name there, Gov," Kai replied immediately, remembering the last encounter they both had. Theo and Ryecinth just silently looked at them, while Gigi crossed her arms while smirking. "Are you sure? You're gonna miss the opportunity that I mentioned to you last time." said the governor, blinking her eyes many times. Kai's eyes slightly widened. "You mean, the Picaseo Eventio in Valler?!" With that, Gigi's eyes widened. "What? Wait, wait, wait, wait. Picaseo Eventio? The 5-day event where famous celebrities and icons will attend and interact with their fans?!" she clarified. She's totally shocked upon hearing it. After hearing that, Kai looked at Gigi beside her with a confused look. "You commanded this governor to distract me from spoiling your performance, yet, you did not know about that?" To recap, Kai was about to go to the gymnasium last Monday, where Gigi's cheerleading performance versus Trixie's was held, to prevent Gigi's team from winning as revenge for what the latter had done to him. But he failed to do so because of the governor, which Kai suspected it was Gigi who ordered her. "Excuse me, who am I to command a governor? I just told her to approach you and encourage you again to join a certain entry of the interschool, aside from the baseball—which you failed to win. I don't know such an opportunity she offered you." Gigi relented while loosening her crossed arms and began to put them on her waist. Before Kai could rebut, the governor cleared her throat. "I did not obey what Gigi had told me, okay? I approached you because I have seen potential in you, based on your appearance and wit. You already rejected my proposal last week but after knowing that your team failed the baseball try-out, I got the hope of convincing you again." the governor clarified. She slightly blushed as she remembered Kai kissing her on the cheeks. "And about the Picaseo Eventio, I already told Kai that we invested much money for it, but with a condition." "Oh, my gosh!" Gigi giggled in excitement. "What is it?" she asked with glittery eyes. "I will spoil you, but don't spread it yet. We will paste the announcement in the bulletin board later." said the governor and they all went silent. "Because the eventio is very exclusive and grand, it is known to be very difficult to get a ticket no matter how wealthy you are. But we ES, were able to reach the organizer and agreed on giving us some tickets. And those tickets will be given to those who will win the competitions. However, winners should group themselves into four to collect their tickets, and shall go together to the said event. Four tickets are equivalent to a golden entrance. If only three or fewer tickets are being collected, the organizers of the Picaseo Eventio will not let you in. Four tickets should be presented." she explained before handing the folder to them which they immediately scanned, except Ryecinth who just stayed silent the whole time at the back. "That was only one of the prizes, the other prizes will be announced during the event." Gigi, Kai, and Theo couldn't help but remain their mouths gaped open. Rye, on the other hand, just remains poker while staring at them. "Oh, goodness! Who are the celebrities on the list? Will the hottie Briscio Helga be there?!" Gigi asked, patting Kai's arms repeatedly in excitement. "Davelir Oscar?!" Kai muttered, pointing his fingers to the governor. "How about Arthus Goman, the famous detective novelist? Would he also be there?" Theo joined the conversation. The governor just nodded her head repeatedly, crossing her arms. "Everyone you would have thought of; they will all be there in the Picaseo Eventio." After hearing that, the three fell into a deep excitement. Their eyes suddenly glowed, Gigi kept on jumping, Kai covered her mouth from shouting, and Theo took a deep breath before he could do a childish thing. "So, I expect that the four of you will join the screening for the competitions in our school, if you want the golden entrance, and be the representative of the inter-school. Gigi is already on the Cheerleading team. Theo could be a Quiz bowl-er. And..." the governor suddenly paused when her eyes got to the back. "...that girl can join any competition, such as essay writing, martial arts, track 'n field, anything she likes." After the governor said that, their eyes diverted on the woman to the back who does not have any reaction, still in her blank face. "Yes, we would love to get the golden entrance. But, I guess, we have to find other participant to get the fourth ticket." Gigi retorted, looking at Ryecinth from head to toe. "But, cricket," she averted her eyes to Kai. "You should do your best in your screening because Theo would surely be the school's representative for the quiz bowl." Kai just smiled and raised both of his brows repeatedly. "Don't underestimate my charm, Gigi-mon." With that, Gigi just rolled her eyes. They then continued walking towards their department building while talking about the inter-school event and the Picaseo Eventio. As they went closer, Ryecinth decided to lengthen her pace leaving those three behind—which the three did not notice. Later on, Gigi and Theo went to the left side of the building because they are classmates, while Kai headed towards the right where Ryecinth was walking ahead. The class just normally started, but their class hours have been shortened because of the upcoming event. Some were practicing their minor competitions and some were just supporting their friends who are joining. "Again, congratulations, Dancing Swans, for winning the small program." the woman in front said and the people who gathered in the center clapped their hands, well, except to the other girls on the side who were just rolling their eyes. "I hope you only treated that as friendly competition and also a major practice. Enough with that, let us now focus on the inter-school event. You are all fighting as one team, you already know that one since we have undergone a lot of training. I already gave Trixie, your team leader, your schedules and what you need to do since I will not be present all the time because the personnel will be busy as well. Gigi," she paused while roaming her gaze to find Gigi. " will assist Trixie to manage the team." Trixie's forehead creased. "Uhm, coach, no need. I can manage them all by myself." she then smiled forcefully. After Gigi heard that and saw the attitude, she just smirked while shaking her head. "Trixie, I understand what you have felt towards Gigi. But please, set aside the rivalry, you two, have felt. We need to have cooperation and coordination." their coach said and Trixie just looked away. "If you want to have the special prizes, you need to win. And to acquire that, you shall work together as a team." They remain silent after that. However, Trixie on the side silently clenched her fist. She really wanted to always be the star of everything she has had. She does not want others to level her expectations and pride, most especially Gigi Laveen. THEO ALYX DAVIS I'VE BEEN in the Picaseo Eventio before as it was held in Singapore way back in 2014. It was a very rare event and it was the only thing that I always waiting for. To think, it is much grander than GALA event that is why the ticket is almost unreachable. And now, the event will be held in Valler and we have now the best opportunity to attend. It was two in the afternoon and I was walking alone in the hallway. Gigi was in their cheerleading practice while Kai prepared for his Mr. CE screening later. Moments passed, and a man suddenly approached me. I already have a hunch on what it is all about. "Theo," he started. Just like the governor that we spoke to early this morning, he also has folders in his hand. "I want to encourage you to join the quiz bowl screening this four in the afternoon. This time, please grant our request." I stared at him for a while. The Students Council Government always approached me in every inter-school event to join the Quiz bowl competition. And since I don't like joining contests, I always declined their request. In the three of us, only Gigi and Kai are always present in the inter-school. Gigi with her cheerleading squad and Kai with his baseball team. While me, I have always been on the benches supporting them. After a few moments, I nodded my head that made the man's face lit up. "Count me in," I said to him. I became interested in one of their prizes. It is enough motivation for those who need it. "Alright! See you later at 4 pm. Best of luck, though, it will only be just a piece of cake for you." he responded after folding the black folder. If ever I will be qualified to be the representative of the inter-school, this will surely be my second time joining such a competition. My first one was in my elementary days which had brought me a bad experience that I did not want to reminisce about. Moments have passed, I decided to go to my classroom, grabbed a book inside my bag, and continued reading it. This book was one of the famous books of Arthus Goman, my favorite author. "It is the most abundant gas on earth." asked the woman with a lapel on her mouth. It was already 4 in the afternoon and the quiz bowl screening had started. As the host asked the first question, I immediately wrote 'Nitrogen' on the small chalkboard on my desk. We are currently inside a room and there are over 10 students attending the screening. This quiz bowl screening is open for all college levels. I am already in 3rd-year college and those in higher-level have really an advantage for this quiz. Yet, whatever happens, I will still try my best. Minutes passed and the questions became harder and harder each round and item. So far, I only have 2 mistakes, tied with a fourth-year student. Until we move on to the last question which I hope I will get the right answer. "Find the solution of x times dy over dx (xdy/dx) equals y plus cosine y over x [y+cos(y/x)]." the host said while writing the equation on the board for us to see it exactly. The scene was intense, but not to me. We already tackled the topic already so I have the knowledge that I need in answering those calculus problems. We were only given 1 minute to answer that equation. But I solved it as fast as I could and before the timer rings, I had already written my answer with my long method of answering it. "Raise your boards." instructed the host and we all followed. "The answer is c equals tangent y over x, minus the normal logarithm of x [c=tan(y/x) - lnx]. And only Theo Alyx Davis got the correct answer." And that ends the screening. They announced that I won the screening and will be the representative for the inter-school event in this entry. Many congratulated me and I gave them my gratitude. The feeling is the same as what I always felt whenever I solved cases or issues inside the school. As the clock strikes at five, it means that the gate is now open for those students who want to go home. And since Kai, Gigi, and I used to not go to our unit together, I decided to go first to the abandoned building. Whenever I am free, I always go there because I am witnessing something there. Something unjust. Something that I want to find out what is really happening there. I did not tell my colleagues about this. I only want to share it with them once I am already certain about it. As I reached the place, as usual, I heard several voices. Those were the voices of men and women. I immediately hid in the thick wall, where they could not see me. I then looked at what they are busy doing and just at this moment, I witnessed illegal deeds. "Woohoo!!" They are all sniffing something on a paper or foil or something like that. They are inhaling drugs. Based on my count, they are 8 in total. Five men and three women. They are all familiar, most especially the three women. "What are you doing here?" someone from behind startled me while poking my back. My shoulders shrugged because of shock. I almost got my breath away. Thank God I prevented myself from producing such noise. I immediately looked at the woman who suddenly spoke and I was surprised to see her. "Rye..." I muttered in a very low voice. "What are you doing here?" I looked at her face while throwing the same question. By asking that to her, I suddenly felt strange while staring at her. She is no longer looking down and her face is not the same as usual, she looks normal now. "I was following a group of students who seemed to be hostaging someone," she replied, which gave me chills. This is the first time she talked to me without uttering a word. But, I neglect that thought and just focus on our situation. My forehead folds. "What do you mean?" I asked her while alternately looking at them and her. "Two people. They are holding two people-in-captive. Two people we both know." she responded while deflecting my sight. As she said that, my heart started to beat faster. I was about to clarify something to her when a familiar voice echoed to the corners of the abandoned building. They were just newly arrived. "Why are you doing this, you b***h?!" "Let us go! Help!" What are they doing? Why did they capture Gigi and Kai? I was about to take my step inside the abandoned building when Rye blocked me using her arms. The next thing that happened went unexpectedly. ×××
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