939 Words

Freya     "YOU REALLY don't like me, do you?" he asked.     I blinked a few times at the question. Kahit na tahasan kong ipinapakita sa kanya ang pag iwas ko. I hadn't been expecting him to ask that.     "What makes you think that?" she hedged.     "Because you haven't smiled once tonight. Not a genuine smile, anyway." He frowned. "So what did I do to upset you?" ewan ko ba kung bakit naaantig ang puso ko sa kanya.     "Personally, nothing." bulong ko.     "What is it then?" confusion was written all over his face.     "It's what you stand for," she said quietly. He wanted honesty? Then he'd get it.     "Meaning?" mas naging malalim ang pagkunot ng noo niya.     Napabuga ako ng hininga. "Look, as a doctor, you're fine. You do a great job. As a person..." he grima

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