1461 Words

“You were never a substitute,” she said hoarsely. “I refuse to have a third person in our bed, Sandra. A dead man at that. It’s occurred to me that any man would have done for you. You don’t want to move on. You just want someone to f**k you and play master to your submissive. Hell, it would have been just any man, or don’t you remember that night at The House? It’s obvious you weren’t particular and any d**k would have done.” “You’re wrong,” she choked out, tears clouding her eyes and knotting her throat. “And I’m not going to lie here while you say things to purposely hurt me.” “Good,” he said savagely. “It’s about time you hurt a tenth as much as I’ve hurt over the last years. I’m tired of trying to live up to a dead man’s memory. When are you going to accept that he’s gone? Jesus, S

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