1148 Words

Waffles and bacon. Perfect. “This looks wonderful,” she said huskily. “Thank you.” He scooted onto the bed beside her so they were shoulder to shoulder. “Eat up,” he encouraged. “I don’t want a single bite left over.” She grinned as she swallowed a scrumptious bite. “Admit it. You love getting to boss me around. It’s that whole dominant thing you have going on.” He looked surprised at the ease with which she spoke of the matter. It surprised her as well. It should freak her out. Certainly everything else had. And yet she knew to her soul that this man would never willfully hurt her. She might not know much else, but she did know that. Maybe it made her a trusting fool, but she felt safe with him. He’d seen her at her most vulnerable and he didn’t lord it over her. He didn’t try to pre

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