1370 Words

“If you don’t apologize to Sandra right this minute, I’ll ask you to leave, and furthermore, you will come into the office on Monday only to clear out your desk and tender your resignation,” Derrick said in a frigid tone. “What is between me and her is none of your business. She doesn’t require your approval or blessing, though she’d like to have both. She loves you and she’d cut off her arm before ever purposely hurting you. But you’re hurting her and that’s bullshit. I won’t have it and I damn sure won’t allow you to come into our home. Yes, our home, Sophia. Sandra is with me, and you have two choices. Accept it and be happy for her or get out. Which is it going to be?” Sandra felt the color bleed from her own face, a match to Sophia’s. She shook uncontrollably and it seemed to anger D

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