2620 Words

Sophia shook her head. “I can’t, Karla. I don’t expect you to understand. Hell, I barely understand it myself. But the idea of allowing a complete stranger inside my head scares me to death. I think it would only make things worse, not better.” “You can talk to me, you know,” Karla said quietly. “You know I’d never betray your confidence. I wouldn’t even tell Sandra if you didn’t want me to. And I certainly wouldn’t share anything you told me with Ken.” “I love you,” Sophia said sincerely. “I don’t know what I’d do without you and Sandra. I don’t know why y’all put up with me. I know I’m bitchy and prickly. It baffles me why either of you want to be my friend. I’ve said some horrible things. Just look at how I ripped into Sandra when she and Derrick got together. It still embarrasses me

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