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I look at myself for the hundredth time and the long-sleeved warm red t-shirt with a V-neck looks nice, my black jeans fit me like a second skin with was pushed to me by Emily and black sneakers, I wear my favorite metal watch and try smiling but failed I take a deep breath and leave my haven, I make sure to lock my room as well as all the rooms my Papa uses, I don't want him to find weird things teenager use during parties. The party was in full swing when I reached my poolside, there were at least a hundred people here enjoying free beer and loud music, I don't even know half of them and I'm sure most of them don't even go to my school. "Happy Birthday, b***h" Emily hug me drunk, and I laugh at her and hug her back, Blake and Ambrose wish me again and we grab plastic cups filled with alcohol, we dance, swimming we play beer pong. "Ok, time for cake, " Ambrose yells and we gather around the living room, I look at my friends, but none of them are holding the cake. I look at them confused but then the music stops and someone starts singing the birthday song. My heart speeds up with anticipation as the voice grows closer my heartbeat comes quicker. But I don't let my smile flutter when I see Uncle Jorden pushing a trolley containing a three-tier cake with sparkle candles. "Uncle Jorden, " I side hug him and smile when he wishes me, I glance behind him and to my disappointment he is alone. "He is not here, " he tells me "It's just this old man, " I laugh at him and tell him he is not that old. We cut the cake and eat it too, the party takes a swing when someone yells seven minutes in heaven, I pale a little when I notice Steve look at me smugly I ignored him and enjoyed the party luckily my friends made sure that I didn't get partnered up with that jerk and they sent me in with Ambrose, so we just joked around and came out of the closet. It was almost midnight when the party ended and most of the people had left, I made sure all of my classmates reached home safely and the twins knew where the guestrooms were so they were gone too with their partners of the night. I looked at my phone again but to my disappointment, there was no text or a missed call from him. I walk to my room on the second floor close the door and lean on it disheartened, I sigh tiredly and start to pull my shirt off "I see you have grown beautifully, " I shriek girlishly and drop my hands from taking off my clothes "Please don't stop on my account" the person teased I turned on the lights and was shocked to see a very handsome guy in a leather jacket and jeans sitting on my bed looking at me with amusement, I stared at him for a minute not recognizing the guy "Don't tell me you have forgotten all about me, I mean I was only gone for like seven years, " I sobered up and ran to him. He catches me as I jump on him and laugh when both of us fall on the bed "Hunter, when did you come back and why didn't you tell me" I hit his hard chest weakly, he smiled and placed his hand on my cheek "I wanted to surprise you, I'm sorry I didn't call you last night, " I shake my head dismissing it "I can't believe you are here, I missed you so much, " I squeal happily and hug him again. We stayed like that for a while and then I realized in what position we were in. Hunter lay on my bed and I was straddling him my ass was directly on top of his lower body, but the reality hit me and I blush furiously, I tried getting up and Hunter switched our position so I was lying on my back and he was hovering over me. I lay there breathlessly staring nervously, he presses the palm of his hand on the side of my face with a gentle look on his face. I snuggle my face on his hand and close my eyes enjoying his warmth. "You have no idea how much I missed you, " he whispered nuzzling his face in the crook of my neck. I wrap my arms around him and hold him closer. His warm breath hits my warm skin leaving a tingling sensation I close my eyes enjoying every second wrapped around him, his soft lips make contact with my skin and I shuddered in my place as his lips moved up and down my neck, memorizing the texture and feel of it. I moan lowly when he bit a sensitive spot on my neck. He keeps sucking on it leaving his mark on me. I pushed him a little as he was getting carried away, we made eye contact and the look of lust, want and love was clear in his eyes and I'm sure mine did as well. We were breathless as we watched each other, he closed his eyes and controlled his emotions, he kissed my cheek and moved away from on top of me, he lay beside me staring at the wall. We do that for a while then my stomach chooses that moment to churn, I quickly move from my bed to my bathroom and puke my guts out, He follows me and rubs my back soothingly "Urgh, I don't want you to see me like this, " I groan puking some more, he chuckles at my agony and I kick him on his leg I flush and move to brush my teeth to get rid of the horrid smell. I glance at his reflection and see him watching my toothbrush holder, he softly "you still have it, " he comments I finish up and turn to see him, I smile at him and sit on the counter, he moves to settle between my legs and lays his head on my shoulder hugging my waist. I cherish his head playing with his soft and silky dark hair " Thank you for coming back" I said he lifted his head to connect our heads "I did promise you, didn't I?" We laugh together and stare into each other eyes. He doesn't say or do anything But I was beyond my limits so I leaned in and connected lips, he was still a little and I moved my lips against him if he hated me after this at least I wouldn't regret kissing him. A traitorous tear slips from my eyes and it mixes with our lips. He pulls away from me and wipes it away "Don't cry, love, I'm not going anywhere" he leaned in to connect our lips again and this time there was a spark and fire between us. He pulled me closer to his body and I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms intertwined themselves around his neck. He moved his lips slowly with mine, then licked my lower lip for entrance which I deny, I know a couple of tips and tricks from Emily, he groans a little and bit my lower lip, I yelp a little which gave him the advantage to slip his tongue in my mouth, his warm silky tongue played with mine, our kiss turned heated when his hands moved up and down my back, his hands were dangerously close to my ass, and that when I decided to stop him. I pull away breathlessly, both of us breathing heavily we lean to connect our foreheads and laugh nervously "I think we should stop, " I say and he nods chuckling he pecks my lips one last time and moves away from me, he stands a foot away from me and I get a better chance to observe him. He had grown taller than me, at least a foot taller, his dark hair was longer than before they fell into his eyes until he pushed them behind, the leather jacket was open and his back undershirt was clinching his body like a second skin, his beautiful abs were visible through the shirt and his black jeans was lose than his shirt, and he was wearing a pair of black boots. "Please, stop looking at me like that, " he requests snapping me out of my food fest. I blush embarrassingly getting caught while checking out your crush is very embarrassing, I get down from the counter and ask him to leave so I can change into my pajamas, I hold my cheeks blushing furiously, I contain myself and take a very cold shower to relax, I find Hunter sleeping on my bed only in his sweatpants, he has eight packs and his chest muscles were very defined, my face flushes again and I groan at my complexion for being so noticeable. I inhale bravely and get into bed, we have always shared the bed this time it won't be that bad, and of course, I was proven wrong as soon as lay down I was pulled into his embrace "Hunter, " I squeak surprised but he pulls me closer to his body "Shush, I want to sleep, "he settles his head in the crook of my neck, his arms strongly wrapped around my waist, and his legs intertwined with mine, this was a serious dream come true and a very very naughty dream
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