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Present-day "Alex, darling wake up, time for school, " Mrs.Cooper who is in her late forties is super energetic for someone her age. I groaned hiding my face from the harsh sunlight when she very easily slid open the curtains "Come on darling new year of high school, we don't want you to be late on your first day, " she yelled in a singsong tone to further irritate me. She knew I was not a morning person, but this evil woman liked to feed off of my pain. I groan opening my eyes and huffing out grumbling nonsense, I glare at the smiley face of my favorite person on this earth as she smiles widely I walk into my bathroom and stare at my reflection, I look like s**t that was for sure. My unruly hair was turned into a bird's nest, my bright blue eyes had huge eye bags from lack of sleep. I look like a mess, I ignore my looks and pick up my brush but stop and smile at the spare Batman brush in my toothbrush holder. That little thing brightened up my mood, I brushed my teeth, washed my face, and showered quickly. Knowing Mrs.Cooper woke me up half an earlier than my regular time, I looked at my watch and it was just 6:30, school starts at 7:40 so I had lots of time to kill. I put on my jogging suit and ran across the property, the grounds were huge in my backyard so it was easy to access. I run around atop the hidden pond and sit for a while. This used to be our spot, Hunter and I spent a lot of our time here together, there are different kinds of fish here. The sunrise from here was beautiful, this spot brings me peace, every time I feel low or miss him, I sit here and remember everything we used to do together, at the early age of 15 I realized what I feel about Hunter is not what regular best friends feel about each other, I knew I was gay when I came across the topic of sexualities because every time I think about Hunter my heartbeat speeds up and I tremble with happy waves, my body agrees with my heart I smile touching my lips, I giggle childishly every time I remember our innocent kiss but I sober up when I think about what he might be thinking, does he still think about me or does he find me disgusting and regret kissing me? I shake my head trying to lose these negative thoughts and leave our pond before I dive into the bottomless pit of overthinking and I kill myself before he comes back. Not that I would kill myself if he did reject me, that was just an expression. I run back home and get ready for the day. I pull up a sweatshirt dark grey jeans and black sneakers, I brush my hair but they have a mind of their own. I wear my watch and carry my bookbag and before I run off for breakfast, I look at the green Oger and smile, I take it in my hands and cherish it lovely "Bye, Hunter you later" I kiss its head and walk away. I have my breakfast with Mrs. Cooper, the reason I call her Mrs. Cooper is because I called her mom once and my dad yelled at me and threatened to fire her if I did it again, so I stuck with Mrs. Cooper. "So, it's someone's birthday next week" I smile at her teasing nature "What are your plans?" She asks as she pours extra honey on my pancakes "You know what my plans are, but that's not what the twins hear when I say no party they hear bigger party" We laugh remembering my last birthday party "Just don't break or vomit in one of your father's favorite vases, again, " she teased me while handing me some OJ, I blush deep red recalling the worst memory where I was completely trashed, what embarrassed me more was that I had drunk dialed Hunter, not Hunter exactly, I called the number of his training institute, I don't even remember what I told him but I do know that he was pretty pissed the next time we spoke. That institute is so isolated that I don't even have the luxury of knowing its location. He isn't allowed to carry a phone so he calls me using the clerk's phone sometimes, secretly. I smile at all the efforts he is putting up for me "So, any news?" I ask her not looking into her eyes. She knows whom I'm referring to "I spoke to Jordan and he told me the training is very different there so it might take some more time for them to return, " I slump in my chair losing my appetite My father joins us for breakfast "Good morning, Mr. Brown, " Mrs cooper greets him he replies with a good morning "Good Morning Papa," I say smiling at him and he gives me a small smile replying to me "You have everything you need for school?" He asks drinking his black coffee "Yes, I just need my schedule, " he nods and that's the end of our conversation, it doesn't bother me anymore but just a little sometimes. I kiss Mrs. Cooper's cheek and run towards the twin's car where their honks might anger my Father. My father doesn't approve of my friendships with them but doesn't comment on it because we had a huge fight when Hunter didn't come back after three years of training like he was supposed to. "Hey, guys" I smile at them and get inside their black Camero, I sit in the passenger seat "Hey, b***h what's happening?" Emily has always been a loudmouth in our small group her brother, on the other hand, is her other half so together they are chaos, "hey, baby" he greets me winking playfully I shake my head at their behavior, we drive off to school with Emily gossiping, the whole way. "So, Steve is looking, " Emily comments as we walk to our lockers, I had guilt-tripped my father into enrolling me in public school for taking Hunter away from me. I open my locker next to hers and glance at the Football jock Steve Miller, our school had very open-minded people so being gay didn't come with lots of homophobic people and bullies. I shrug not caring about the holes he was digging in my back with his intense stare, he was good-looking with blonde hair, and green eyes but he was a player and I have always been the only person to avoid his advances. "He is coming this way, " Emily whispers, Ambrose had his locker on the other side of the building so he would meet us at the class "Hey, Sweet Cheeks, " his cocky smirk blocks my sight, blinding my eyes with his laser-sharp teeth "Steve, " I say before moving away from him, far away. Honestly, he was not the only one that has been bothering me but none of them interest me, except one. "You wait and watch sweetness, I will have you one way or another, you will be crying out my name in no time" his brainless friends laugh at his horrible flirting skills I ignore him of course and leave before the bell rings. We meet up with Ambrose at homeroom and get ready for another year of high school. It was finally time for lunch and we practically ran to the cafeteria, today was my favorite pizza for lunch. We pay for our food and sit on our usual bench by the window. I look out the window and watch all kinds of couples snogging each other, most people find it disgusting but I find it romantic even if they won't even last for a year, it's cute while it lasts. "Hey, guys" Blake Griffin joins us, he is a basketball player "Hey, babe" and Emily's boyfriend of two years. We started our Junior year so we still have two years, in this school. He kissed Emily romantically to which Ambrose gags and I laugh at his antics, I find it cute to show love publically to your special person. I don't even know what Hunter looks like as a teenager, but considering his childhood face I'm sure he looks like a model I snap out of my daydream when my phone rings, it's an unknown number "Hello?" I ask Someone on the other side just breaths heavily, I know that sound my heartbeat speeds up unknowingly "Alex, "
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