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10 years ago "Papa, am I getting a new dog?" I ask in my three-year-old voice, it's been a while since my Papa came to pick me up from preschool and told me he had bought something that will protect me and be my friend, Coco was my previous dog but he ran away when I was napping, I miss him and hopefully, I will get a new puppy. "No, but I'm getting you something more special," he said patting my head, I smile as we walk to our house from our car, I was giddy the whole way back. I hope it's not a cat, I don't like cats, one scratched me so hard that it almost got my right eye. "Let's go," I smiled at my Papa and ran inside before him, I greet Mr. Cooper, our butler as he opened the door, I ran around throwing my water bottle, shoes, and socks on the way. I could hear the servants groan in frustration, I giggled running around my living room looking under every table, chair, and sofa to find my new friend is it a dog? No, Papa said it's not a dog "Papa, where is my pet?" I yell from under the coffee table. I come out of there and walk to my Papa, I wanted to crawl into his lap and whine till he finally hands me my pet but I don't, I don't want to be yelled at, again. So I stand in front of him and look at my toes "is it not here yet, Papa?" I ask nervously, I would be heartbroken if he said I'm not getting it anymore. "Alexander, it is on its way, Jordan will bring it later, " he dismissed me while working on some files while having coffee, I sigh and go to the kitchen where Mrs. Cooper my Nanny is making me lunch. I tug at her apron while looking at the floor "Mrs. Coopler, " I said not able to pronounce her name She looks at me and smiles, I giggle when she picked me up and places me on the kitchen counter "how was your day, darling, " she tickles me playfully "It was ok, I got an A+ in drawing, " I tell her about my day as she makes my favorite mac and cheese I had done bathing and did my homework hurriedly because I don't want my pet to run away when I'm not there. "Alexander, uncle Jordan is here with your present, " I ran from my room before she could finish the sentence, she chased after me concerned that I might fall down the large stairs. I ran into the living room where Papa was standing with his back facing me, I ran behind Papa and peaked shyly holding his pants into my small fists. "Where is my present, Papa?" I look up at him, his bright blue eyes glance at me before looking forward. "Jordan, " he calls out his Driver and good friend, uncle Jordan walks in empty-handed, I feel my eyes prickle with upcoming tears because I thought there was no gift but a small boy walked out from behind him, he was about my age, he had raven hair, fair skin, grey eyes but they were empty, he didn't look happy to be here. "Where is my pet, Papa," I ask him looking at him confused "He will be your pet from now on, Alexander, " he tells me the boy's eyes hardened when he heard what my papa said "But he is a boy papa, he can't be my pet, " I inquire he sighs at my questions like he was already tired of me. "I got a call from your teachers, they worry you might not make any friends so I got you a friend, " when he said a friend I squeaked happily I slowly walk towards him, I look at him nervously and smiled but his expression didn't change, he looked at me with the same empty look he had worn the whole time, I look up at uncle Jordan he smiles at me encouraging "Hi, my name is Alexander Brown, " I introduce myself shyly holding out my chubby hand for him to shake. He glances behind me and then holds out his hand forcefully "Hunter, " he said, his voice more mature than mine or all the kids from my preschool I squeak joyfully " do you want to play with me, I have lots of toys in my room, " I pull him towards my room before he can say anything. He doesn't say anything just does what I ask of him. I sigh at his behavior " do you not want to be my friend? " I ask looking at my toes again, wiggling them nervously "it's ok if you don't want to, lots of my classmates don't want to be my friends, you can go back home to your family, I'll tell Papa to send you back, " I mumble dishearten with his distant personality "I can't go back, " he finally spoke starting at me with his empty eyes, I gaze into his eyes waiting for him to continue "I don't have a family" his voice broke slightly but he composed himself "I don't have a Mommy, Mrs. Coopler said she went to heaven when I was born, " I share my thoughts with him, and his eyes soften a little "if you be my friend I can be your family, and you can be mine, I promise I will protect you, " I said standing a little straighter. He smiled for the first time that day, I squeak gleefully and jump to hug him, I wrap my arms around him but he stood frozen and before I move away embarrassed, he finally, hugs me back tightly. "You will be my friend, right?" I ask not letting him go "Hmm" he hums in response, I pull away from his warm embrace I offer him my pinky " You Promise?" He stares at me before linking our pinkies together "Promise, "
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