
Demons Invasion

supernature earth

Twenty-Seven years ago, a group of otherworlders descended upon The Planet Eurium (Equal to Earth). People of Planet Eurium thought that this group of otherworlders have invaded their planet to destroy the world. Because of their traits and skills, the people of this planet categorized them as demons, the invaders of the world. They attacked innocent humans and killed them mercilessly— this is the very first Demons Invasion called Divine Arc.

As Prime Lieutenant Governor Alyxia continued battling with the invaders of the world, she realized something that will lead her to investigate to change her perception of them. She decided to find the very depth of the truth behind the invasion of demons on their planet. Unexpected turns of events happened and the truth has been revealed...

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Chapter 1
Chapter 1 — Planet Eurium | Hailbough Town, Central Area | Year 3030 This day is very lively as everyone is excited about the special event that will happen later. The sky is clear and the wind is very fresh. Every participant in each town was praying to pass and be one of the Top 500 people who will be chosen to enter the Military Academy. A fourteen years old Alyxia Domenico is one of the 5,000 participants who aims to be the next Prime Lieutenant Governor of Hailbough Town. They are all gathered outside the arena. On the left side, there is a mini-stage for officials. Every year, Hailbough Town holds a special event to search for the next students who will enter the Military Academy. This academy was established to teach aspiring demon hunters and hone their skills until they graduated and be promoted to different demon hunter divisions. Alyxia's inspiration is her father who is part of the Military Hierarchy all around the world, an International Brigadier General of Military Officers. Alyxia grew up in Hailbough Town, Central Area. But she doesn't have a mother who will teach her to be girly. She's a foster daughter of Brigadier General Domenico who is single until now. Her father taught her to be tough. They haunt wild animals and demons together, and their bond is unbreakable. "Daddy!" Alyxia called her father while running towards him. She is wearing her usual favorite dress code. The full gothic suit paired with nubuck leather boot, a velvet gothic cape she is wearing, and the long katana her left hand is holding evoke the attention of the other participants. Her beautiful hazel eyes can astonish anyone with her straight blonde long hair in a milkmaid braid. Everyone in this town envies her white fair skin, luscious pinkish bow-shaped lips, curved long eyelashes, thin eyebrows, rosy cheeks with a deep dimple on the right side, and a pointed nose— a total natural beauty. She was raised more like a warrior rather than a princess. And her presence was more like a lion that stands out above anyone and screams pride, courage, and power. That's why a lot of girls that are two to three years older than her hate her guts so much. No, they envy her! "Aly!" Brigadier General greeted his daughter with a tight hug before showering her face with his kisses. "Oh, my sweet child!" He flashed his sweetest smile. "Daddy, I said quit this old habit. Oh my! People are looking at us!" Alyxia looks complaining but she's not bothered at all. Brigadier General burst out a loud laugh. He doesn't care if everyone in this town stares at them. It's like a puzzle to them about why Alyxia can participate in this event when she is only fourteen. One of the requirements for you to participate in this event is that you are sixteen years old, after all, Military Academy is not an ordinary academy. If you think about it, Alyxia is just a mere minor. "Did you manage to memorize everything?" her father asked, about how she'll survive in this event. "I memorized every single word that you wrote on my notepad," she replied merrily. Alyxia is an exemption to this event. Why? Because the governor of this town believes in her skills and talent. Some of the participants wonder how did Alyxia manage to gain the governor's favor. She is only fourteen but she possessed incredible strength, skills, and sharp intellect. No one will believe her skills in hunting wild animals and even demons except her father and their governor who have witnessed it. She was six back then when they discovered that Alyxia has the potential to be a merciless demon hunter. It didn't take that long before she decided to follow her father and vowed to annihilate demons, the invaders of the world. "I want to see what changes you will bring to this world," said the governor. That's what he said to her before. He believes that she will be the one who will bring changes to this world. "Five thousand participants, please be prepared." Major General Aligate draws the attention of everyone. All participants came from different parts of each continent of the world. There are five continents; Central Area, South Area, West Area, East Area, and North Area. They are currently in Hailbough Town, Central Area. Everyone was excited when some militaries arranged the weapons that the participants will use in the arena. "I will use bow and arrow, how about you?" "I'm good at spears!" "I wonder what kind of sword will I use to slice my enemy?" "Do you think we will pass?" In the ocean of people, most of them noticed how the governor called Alyxia and her father to go up on the mini stage. People started gossiping about negative things about them. They thought Alyxia made it here through connections because the governor is fond of her. They don't know that other participants were scouted by the governor's special team to join this event because of their outstanding skills and talents even though they are still minors like Alyxia. They both went up to the mini-stage and greeted the officials. After the short greetings, Alyxia noticed some of the officials were not always present in this kind of event in the past years. "It is very rare to see the officials of Military Hierarchy be present here and watch the competition," Alyxia stated a fact yet mocking the officials. Some officials faked a cough with her bold statement. At a very young age, she learned how military leadership works. She can even recognize each member even though she only met them once at an elite party. "It's not that rare, young lady, you seem to hate the idea of us being present here," the Fuhrer-President William Julius of Rustes Town of Central Area and the leader of the Royal Ministers of Military Hierarchy replied with a hint of japing. Everyone laughed except Alyxia who seems to be displeased by what he called her. "I am Alyxia Caitlin Domenico and I hate being addressed by any other name other than Alyxia or Aly," Alyxia said honestly, introducing herself. Another laugh and the officials complimented her jolly attitude. This is their first time seeing Alyxia because she's not exposed to her father's workmates. Their conversation went on as Alyxia shares her dream to become a member of the Military Hierarchy. They all agreed and some of them promised that they will promote her if she graduated from the Military Academy. But Fuhrer-President is the only one who hates that idea. "Brigadier General, I like your daughter. But I don't think she belongs here. She's not fitted to enter the Military Academy," said the Fuhrer-President. The Brigadier General was irritated for some reason but remained smiling at the said president. Though Alyxia is already fuming mad, she also stayed silent and calm. She is a stoic kind of person but when she loses her temper… Brigadier General didn't say anything to oppose the idea of the Fuhrer-President. Aside from he is a special guest and the president of the adjacent town, he is also the leader of the Royal Ministers. Military Hierarchy consists of three major military leadership excluding the Supreme Division. The first group is called Royal Ministers, the second is the Elite Officials, and the third is the Military Officers. Brigadier General is a member of Military Officers. In a nutshell, if they were royalties, Brigadier General is a mere servant of the Fuhrer-President. Alyxia blinked her eyes twice when she realized that her father couldn't afford to defend her dream in front of these officials. "Why do you think so?" But she doesn't want anyone to insult her so she asked the Fuhrer President bravely. "What?" The Fuhrer-President didn't get her. "Why do you think that I don't belong here?" she asked clearly in a loud voice. The officials exchange stares, waiting for the Fuhrer-President's answer. Alyxia caught the attention of many participants. The Fuhrer President didn't answer her question instead he laughed again. "Is that how you answer questions?" now the governor asked him. Alyxia was fuming mad when the Fuhrer-President burst out a loud laugh again. Brigadier General knew what the president wanted to say. He is well aware of how the officials think. The Fuhrer President is laughing at Alyxia because she is only a girl. He thought she isn't fitted to be a demon hunter because she was supposed to stay home, taking care of her beauty. That's an insult. Brigadier General held his daughter's hand to excuse themselves. But then Governor Stephen Craig VII stood up to face Fuhrer-President. "Aly is asking you nicely, Fuhrer-President William," said the governor. The Fuhrer President felt nervous that's why he immediately voiced out what he thinks of Alyxia. "She's not fitted to join this event and enter the Military Academy because she's a girl! Just look at her, she looks so fragile! We deal with demons not insects," he explained, accompanied by his insulting laughs. Alyxia felt a sudden urge to answer him back but she remained quiet to respect her father's position and to respect the officials. After all, she is facing these respectable people. "Go and apologize to her before you regret it," the governor said with his calm yet stone-cold voice. Among the officials of the Military Hierarchy, Governor Stephen Craig VII plays the biggest role. Because he is the founder of the Supreme Division and Military Hierarchy. Military Hierarchy is being controlled and ruled by Supreme Division so anyone gets intimidated by him. The only person who has the guts to defy and oppose him is the second founder of the Military Hierarchy which is King Reisen Ryland IX, King of the Ryland Kingdom of the West, and also his close friend. Everyone was intimidated by his words. Even the nosy crowd become silent when they heard the governor. Alyxia tugged his father's sleeve. It is a signal to stop whatever is going on but Brigadier General is frightened enough to zipper his mouth and just watch what will happen next. "We offer an opportunity to anyone, no gender inequality. You seem to forget about our vision and our mission. What's the use of this event if we will judge anyone easily without even testing their skills and talents?" The governor flashed a simple smile and faced the crowd to reassure them that everything is fine. Alyxia felt guilty. No one dared to talk after the governor. No one moved except Alyxia who held the governor's hand and gave him her sweetest smile. "They will see me at the arena and by then, I want honest criticism," Alyxia said in her bedroom voice. The governor nodded and commanded his generals to start the event. He can't wait to watch his favorite girl who he also treats as his godchild. Brigadier General Peterson Domenico was relieved. After what happened, he guided Alyxia to the arena before he joined the officials who were asked to transfer to the top of the huge oval-shaped arena to have a better and clearer view of the competition. "There is only one type of test in this competition. It is hunting. You can use any weapon but we assume archer and spear users have more advantages. Simply because close combat is very dangerous especially when you aren't good at martial arts. If I were you, I would choose a long-range type of weapon," Major General explained. "We will grade you based on the points you will gain throughout the competition but beware darlings, we don't just grade based on your performances. I hope you are all aware of what it is," he continued. All participants were asked to choose their desired weapons. They can choose one or two weapons as long as they will use them all inside the arena. "To all participants, please proceed to the arena." Now they all went inside after choosing their weapons. The competition will be held inside this huge oval-shaped arena. The audience was seated at the top of the arena. They are all cheering and rooting for everyone. Alyxia put her bow and arrow on her back and placed her long katana on her left waist side before she went inside the arena.

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