
548 Words
It is a cold windy night today , I am hungry as it has been two days and I haven’t got anyone matching my taste preference . Earlier people of my race use to suck human blood but now we have evolved and live our living on human energy . Human beings touch  to confirm their love for each other but we do it to survive . We just need to shake hands for two minutes and can get our self full for one day . We can live without hunting for 1 week but not more than that .   I am Kylo, a vampire I don’t have fangs or sharp teeth I look similar to humans so its easy to camouflage my identity between them . I only have my dad and an elder sister who live in the nearby village , they have no idea where I am as I eloped from my place , life their was boring we were suppose to eat to live but I wanted to live to eat , dad made a rule to not consume much energy this that which use to piss me so at last I ran away .   In my school days it always use to be an easy task to hunt as I was the most handsome boy so girls use to be around me I had many choices so I never use to be hungry , but things have changed now I am a singer now I always be busy with my concerts and when I feel like hunting I do so but from one month I am unable to find something tasty . But all these good days are gone I am of twenty now , people in our community say that at this age a vampire finds his true soulmate  but if it’s a human then the vampire has to pay a price . Imagine a vampire who fall for his food ….isn’t it funny and for that they have to pay a price too . I will never do this stupidity as I am apathetic .   I always wonder that who will be my soulmate a vampire who would be wild like me , bold personality , apathetic , adventurous and good at hunting . But what if I fall for a human too ??? All these thoughts were going inside my psyche but enough of it I was all ready to hunt. I wore my denim jacket , ripped jeans took my car to the club the best place to find people at night . I was all thrilled to hunt as starvation made me more wild and moreover my intuitions were strong that I won’t fail this time too . My green eyes were turning red it happens at night people to me , people  say that vampires whose eyes color change at night have special powers and can resuscitate a human in short bring back life of a human who is dead but then the vampire can also lose his life as a consequence and what not but I always consider them as myths but what if they are true ? Anyways I have to find my prey or else one more day of me starving like hell .
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