Chapter 17

997 Words
BELLAS POV Its been a few days since the ceremony and the twins have been worse with ignoring me ive been doing everything in my power to get their attention but nothing. And i really mean nothing they just growl at me, ive been trying to get on their nervs but its not working and im about done even matt is starting to ignore Randi. Randis been acting weird but its normal for here to be weird. At this point ive given up on trying with the twins even Lucy is annoyed with it, the twins wolves wont talk to her and its weird for this to happen but i guess this is what i get for having two mates right? Over the past few weeks ive given up on college i know i shouldnt have but with me being the Luna Queen now i dont really have time for school sadly but they its what the Moon Goddess planned for me what can i do about it. Nothing thats what Right Now me and Randi are out in the pool for once. "so anything different with the twins?" she asked "honestly no i dont know what more i can do" she sighed "i know what you mean Matt is the same way but hes trying somewhat" i chuckled "at least your mate knows you exist mine dont" She sighed "they do know they are just going through s**t" i rolled my eyes "that doesnt mean s**t their hasnt been reports of rogues, hunters nor vampires" i growled and got out of the pool and headed to my room ignoring the calls of randi for me to come back i just didnt want to i was already crying. Deal with weeks of the twins ignoring me i was not having it at this point my emotions were all over the place at this point. i ran inside the house when i turned the corner to see that i have bumped into max his face was fixed with confusion. I went to go up the stairs but i was stopped by max he held my arm i didnt look at him "Bells whats wrong" he asked i just growled at him "bella come on youve been with us long enough to know when something is wrong" "Whats wrong? WHATS WRONG? THE PROBLEM IS THAT I HAVE TWO ASSHOLE MATES THAT DONT f*****g CARE ABOUT ME" i snapped and the face on max he was scared then let me go i stormed up to my room well mine and the twins. I slammed the door i was just annoyed and didnt anything to do with anyone. HOURS LATER Ive been in my room for maybe 4 hours and ive destroyed the place the walls have holes i broke the pictures i broke the coffee table like i went on a rampage. then i heard a knock "bells" i opened the door to randi "what" i growled "dinner is ready" she said "ok im sorry im just pissed" she hugged me "i know its fine come on ill get an omega to clean this up before the twins see it" i chuckled and we walked down to the dinning room everyone was there i just sat next to Randi again the twins nor matt where in here yet and Matt can sit next to the twins even tho the way the table works we sit were our ranks make us. But oh well im not dealing with the twins right now. Soon enough Matt entered the dinning room and randi gave him a look and he knew so Matt sat in my spot then in came Demetri he just looked at matt then to me and he looked sad but i didnt care. Soon enough i heard an enraged growled from upstairs and all our head snapped towards the stairs i knew it was Dominic's growl. "BELLLLA" He roared i kinda wanted to laugh but i knew what he was pissed about "what" i yelled so he could hear me and soon enough he came down stairs with the look i expected pure anger "YOU KNOW DAMN WELL WHAT IM PISSED ABOUT" he snapped I rolled my eyes at him and went back to eating Demetri tried to calm him but that was no use "Bella what is he talking about" Demmy asked I shrugged the Dom growled "Why dont you go look at our room SHE DESTROYED IT" he growled "well maybe if you were such asshole i wouldnt have" i growled back "stop acting like a f*****g child Bella" he snapped i stood up and was about to walk out of the room and was grabbed by dom i turned and growled at him "Dont touch me" his eyes were turning black his wolf was gonna come out "You dont speak to me like that" he growled holding on to me are tighter i whimpered at the pain "Dominic let her go" Demmy growled "what so she can act like a b***h and get away with it" Dom snapped at Demmy Everyone just gasped we all know dom is short tempered but i ever thought hed call me a b***h everyone fell silent. I was mad so i slapped Dom hard he let go of me and held his cheeked and looked stunned by my actions "IM THE b***h, how about the way you two have been acting you dont talk to me, i dont even feel like we are mates and ive been putting up with your guys bullshit and im done f*****g DONE" then i stormed away i ran out of the house and shifted i was pissed i just needed to get away before i do something i going to regret. I ran through the woods i wasnt paying much attention, i stopped near a lake and just laid down and watched the water it was the only thing that could calm me right now
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