Chapter 15

1239 Words
BELLAS POV - Ceremony Day Today is my ceremony and im going insane last night i slept with Randi even tho i wanted to be next to the twins but i needed to prove my point wither they liked it or not. I woke randi up well tried to this girl sleeps like a ton of bricks just not happening "MAATTTT" I yelled and he came running into the room "what, whats wrong?" "randis lazy ass wont wake up" i said he rolled his eyes "really" "duh" He chuckled and went to the bathroom and got a cup of water "you might want to move shes gonna kick and scream or shes gonna kill us" i walked over to the door opened it and took out my phone and started recording giving matt a thumbs up. He throw the water on randi and she shot right up out of bed "MATT YOU f*****g ASS HOLE IM GONNA KILL YOU" she yelled Matt ran past me and randi seen me "OOO BELLA YOUR DEAD TO" She started running for me and i ran like hell man. I ran down the stairs laughing my ass off i ran to the living room i turned the corner and ran behind matt. "hey why use me as a meat shield" he growled "hey you did it" i snapped back Randi turned the corner dripping wet i chuckled behind matt. "h-hey baby" he said Randi growled i held onto matt then Dom and Dem turned the corner "whats going on" demmy asked Randi pointed towards us. i pointed my head out from behind matt i smirked at randi then i looked to the twins who didnt look pleased i was gripping onto dear life Demmys eyes turned from green to black while Doms turned from blue to black. Dom let out a growl and took a step towards us i knew his wolf was pissed i quickly moved in front of Matt Dom pulled me away and i smashed into his chest "MINE" he growled I pushed his head in my shoulder so he could inhale his scent to calm his wolf demmy walked behind me and inhaled my scent as well while growling "MINE" they both calmed down after a minute. "sorry Matt" they both said i chuckled They left cuz they needed to finish work before my ceremony i went with randi to her room to clean it and get our stuff ready. We spend 10 minutes cleaning up the mess only cuz we were fooling around to much, we finally sat down to relax before my ceremony in three hours. Most of the day has gone by fast. "So hows you and the twins i see the tension between you three" Ray asked "well i dont know theyve been 'working' all week an they past few weeks theyve been acting weird i dont know what to do we dont even sleep in the same bed anymore" i said looking down "i feel you me and matt have been fighting alot more then what we normally do and he wont talk about what they are working on which he normally tells me, but we still have some level of communication" she said I sighed "its harder with two mates dont get me wrong i love them both but their mood swings lately are killing me, atleast you and Matt have communication Dom doesnt even look at me that s**t that happened down stairs was the first time and i goddess knows how long they both have hugged me" i said with tears in my eyes Randi came and hugged me "come on no crying today ill deal with my brothers later i promise you" Its was nice to know i wasnt alone with how i was feeling but i just dont get why the twins are acting like this i need to find out soon enough. I decided to take a nap while randi got things ready RANDIS POV After bella fell asleep i decided to do some of my own work i knew matt couldnt keep things hidden from me for to long so time to crack him. Wither he liked it or not he was gonna tell me im tired of me and him acting like strangers and him acting like an asshole along with the twins. I finally left my room while Bella slept a bit tonight was gonna be long for her, I went down to the twins office i knocked on the door and heard Dem say i could come in. I opened the door and Matts head snapped towards me "can i see matt for a second its important" i said making my voice sound worried "go a head" dom said Matt hurried out the door behind me i went into the other office three doors down the hall matt came in behind me and shut the door "babe whats going on" he asked "your gonna spill what you guys have been doing in that damn office im tired of us fighting and seeing bella so torn with her mates" i growled BELLAS POV I woke and Randi was sleeping next to me i looked at the time 6pm we had 30 minutes to get ready and go to the ball room i woke randi up and we hurried to get ready. I grabbed my dress and put it on. Randi curled my hair and i curled hers. "ready" she asked "ready as ill ever be" We both left her room and headed towards the stairs i wasnt looking forward to this i had to wear heels, i lifted the end of my dress so i wouldnt fall over it. I looked down at the twins they both wore black tuxes it outlined their bodies perfectly. "you look amazing baby" they both whispered in my ear send shivers down my spin Lu purred in agreement. "you guys look handsome" i kissed their cheeks. They took my hands and we walked into the ball room, everyone was their my family and other alphas and lunas. The twins walked up to the stage and began to speak. "White Claw Pack and visiting alphas and lunas" Dom began to speak "We are here tonight, has rumors have been going around about us finding our mate and your Luna Queen. And the rumors are true" Dom finished "On our visit to the Blood Moon Pack we found our mate the daughter of Alpha Aiden and Luna Lilith" Demmy started waving me up i walked up in between the twins "Tonight you finally get your Luna Queen" Demmy said picking up the knife and cut his hand then Dom did then i and we put the blood into the cup "Bella Perl Collins do you promise to lead this pack and others to the best you can till the day you die" dom said "i do" i said strong "We the alpha kings Dominic Kent Taylor And Demetri Jay Taylor accept you Bella Perl Collins of the Blood Moon Pack into the White Claw Pack as Luna Queen" Demmy said and we all took a drink from the cup then joined all hands having our blood bond. I soon felt the connection with the pack i heard the link and everyone cheering into the link i closed it off to avoid the headache. Soon enough everyone i was cheering and clapping
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