Chapter 13

1122 Words
BELLAS POV Its been a long ass we of planning for my joining ceremony and the twins have been going crazy with preparations. I really havent seen them much aside from when we sleep. Once in a while we all eat together or when i need to confirm something. Me and Randi have been planning smaller details like flowers decorations etc all the fun stuff NOT!! Its honestly boring and im over it. "Bells" i turn to see randi "whats up" i asked "come on we need a break and we can go" she paused and stood up "SHOPPPING" she sang throwing her hands in the air i rolled my eyes "alright then" We left the meeting room for the first time all day we have been in there for 5 hours. I didnt bother linking the twins they are busy with Max and Matt anyways. We left down stairs randi grabbed keys and we went to matts truck. We drove for what seemed as forever i hated the drive to the mall. Randi being randi she always wanted to check out fifty different stores. When she wants so shop there is no stopping her. We went into a store called Eclipse, its a Canadian store, its like any other store but has more options for dresses then others. We walked to the dress racks i started looking through them all. How does one person make a choice with so many options? I sighed pulling a few floor length dress and a few shorter ones off the rack, I walked into the dressing room with at least five dresses. I tried on the first three but i didnt like them, I grabbed a floor length dress its a navy blue, with blue white jems lining the bottom and the top, also strapless and it hugged my kervs. I looked in the mirror and i really liked it, i opened the door to show randi "oh my goddess bells i love it" her jaw dropped i laughed "i think i like this one" i said i turned back into the room and changed into my clothes i didnt want to try on anything else i really liked the blue one, i bought black flats cuz me trying to walk in heels is like a zombie walking honestly. We bought the dress and shoes then went to the food court cuz we all know how i love food. I decided to bring some of my school books. Then twins say i dont need school anymore they are right most wolves dont go to college etc. We are normally given a title at birth by our parents rank. But i still wanted to finish and get socialized with people my age, still im fighting the twins on this stubborn as always. Randi went to get us subway so i decided to take our bags and sit somewhere. I looked around for a spot then i seen one off where there wasnt many people. I know i know i dont like people but yet i want to finish college makes sense right? Wrong! Im only social when i need to be. I sat down putting our bags closer to the wall and i pulled out my books most of it was reading anyways. i pulled out my last book which i forgot about, our teacher gave us a project on wolves. Kinda funny right? Giving that most of the school is wolves but the humans dont know that only the human mates. But yet i still cant put what i know about us more so cuz it will give us away or my teacher will think im bullshitting it either way it was a boring project. AFTER THE MALL Me and Randi have been back for maybe two hours and the guys didnt even notice we left kinda funny right? Its just weird how we were all close then i moved in now they can barley give me the time of day, the twins say they are 'working' so thats 24/7 i guess so. Its Friday we moved the ceremony to sunday, with that the alphas and lunas and who ever else are just gonna stay for how ever long they want. i looked down at my watch its only 2pm i sighed looking at the papers i still needed to out through now that im going to be 'luna Queen' i needed to sigh the paper work along with the twins but they did it before hand then had matt bring them to me. While ive been living here its given me time to notice and get to know the twins with how they act and knowing the difference between them. i already know them but their personalities like, Dom is more stubborn and demanding hes kind and sweet but he doesnt show it much hes definitely the dominating one, he tends to lose his temper more. While Demmy is more sweet and caring dom is to but he prefers not to show it. Anyways but Dem is just more sweet and loving he doesnt lose his cool well i havent seen it yet. Basically Dom and Demmy are the opposite of each but i still love them both. I started working on the papers thank god for Randi or i wouldnt have gotten it all done, we may have cheated she wrote my signature we have almost the same had writing so oh well. I heard a knock on the door "come in" i said not looking at the door to see who it was. "miss dinner is ready" i waved the male off and finished the last bit of paper. Me and Randi walked down stairs to the dinning room Lucy perked up once i smelled our mates. Lucy was jumping around in excitement i laughed at her. I looked to see Dom focused on his phone while Demmy looked at me, i felt sad that Dom didnt even seem to notice i was in the room but demmy did. Dont get me wrong I loved have the attention of my mate but i wanted both of them and dom just didnt care. I sighed and sat down with randi normally i sit in between the twins but i didnt want to. The whole time Dom was in his phone Demmy tried to get his attention but Dom growled at him everytime. Once during dinner Dom looked up but it wasnt at me sadly but demmy watched me the whole time. I know it may sound childish or selfish but i was needing the attention, everyone needs attention and i just wasnt getting it. Well i was just not from both my mates.
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