Chapter 23-2

2012 Words

“I want to join you,” she said. “I don"t know about any labyrinth, and I don"t care what searing insights I gain along the way, but I do know I want to fight them. The only meaning and purpose I can see is to obliterate them, or at least be able to say I tried. What they"ve done, I don"t even know what you"d call it. It"s a crime so large there"s no simple word for it.” It took him a moment to adjust to what she was saying. “Obliterating Concordance is not really what I"m doing. I"m simply trying to understand how and why they became what they did.” “What is the use of such knowledge if you don"t use it? This isn"t some interesting academic investigation you"re carrying out, it"s people"s lives. And their deaths. Didn"t you set out to destroy them? Didn"t my father?” Now he seemed to

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