Chapter 19-1

2116 Words

Selene kept the Concordance emissary moving through the twisting alleyways of the city by prodding him in the back again and again with her muzzle of her blaster. He wasn"t what she"d expected. She"d anticipated a struggle with a dead-eyed assassin, a Void Walker. Instead this Malleus, traced easily enough through his immigration and travel records, was a wreck. He"d clearly been through a lot on Borial and was struggling to hold it together. There was a tremor in his hands and a hunted look in his eye that suggested he might break down completely at any moment. From what she"d learned, he"d travelled to his family home in the north. A farewell visit. It explained his presence on the planet at least. She"d shadowed him through the ruined city, waiting for a suitable moment to intercep

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