2757 Words

sir robert chiltern. [ Bewildered and unnerved.] Wait a moment! What did you propose? You said that you would give me back my letter, didn’t you? mrs. cheveley. Yes. That is agreed. I will be in the Ladies’ Gallery to-morrow night at half-past eleven. If by that time—and you will have had heaps of opportunity—you have made an announcement to the House in the terms I wish, I shall hand you back your letter with the prettiest thanks, and the best, or at any rate the most suitable, compliment I can think of. I intend to play quite fairly with you. One should always play fairly . . . when one has the winning cards. The Baron taught me that . . . amongst other things. sir robert chiltern. You must let me have time to consider your proposal. mrs. cheveley. No; you must settle now!

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