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CHAPTER FOUR Richie held Rebecca’s cell phone to her ear as she called Bill Sutter. She hated driving her black Ford Explorer one-handed, especially when she needed to turn a corner. “Sutter, it's me. How's the case coming?” “We've got the murder weapon, no question about it. It's got Amalfi's fingerprints. We've put out an APB on him. Paavo's fiancée, Angie, is here kicking up a fuss that her cousin's innocent. Another cousin is a lawyer and is here to represent him, if and when he shows up. And everybody's wondering where you are.” “I'm on the case, where else?” she said. “Who's the gun registered to?” “It isn't.” Why didn't that surprise her? “When you coming in?” he asked. “A couple of things came up last night that I want to check out, then I'll be there.” “Really? What things

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