Chapter .30.

1190 Words

Remember the time when the covers on our bed were the only shield and armor we needed against the terrifying everything that surrounded us? ~T.K.G. *** Late. That's what I am. Jay stands upon the porch. I can see, literally see, a dark cloud descend down and swirl around him as he eyes the approaching truck. Slowly he goes down each step until he stops, arms crossed and waiting. I look past him to see a nervous Daisy. Her shirt today reads, 'Never forget Pluto.' Atlas idles to the side. He still has paint on him. Faint traces on his neck. The purple looks faded onto it and I blush at the sight, remembering my mortification when we had first emerged from the room. Everyone had left. Breakfast gone and the pack going about their daily routine. The only one still remaining at the

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