Chapter .18.

972 Words

We live by the sun, We feel by the Moon. *** Awful. Horrible. I would title the painting 'burst lung' and show splatters of red, dripping along the canvas. Or maybe just title it a simple 'death' and create the small colorful blurs I'm seeing in my vision right now. Because that's how I feel. "I....can't....go....on....." I'm barely able to gasp out the sentence. My side hurts. I didn't know what they meant when they said, 'stitch in my side'. Now I do. "Come on Lexie," Jay is very patient. But even his patience is running thin with me. I pushed it just by the fact that he had to tell me three times to get the wheels out of my shoes before I could even start running. He was appalled at even the sight of them. "This is just an excuse to walk less," I look at him, not able to argue bec

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