Chapter .12.

1163 Words

Her heart was made of liquid sunsets *** I smooth out my dress. My hands are shaking. I don't like it. Shaking hands cause the painting to come out bad. Sometimes it works to your advantage and you create something you didn't mean to, but most of the time, it leads to wasted canvas and paint. I don't like it. I fold them in my lap, trying desperately to take deep breaths. And then I smell him. I can't quite put my finger upon what he smells like. A mixture of pine wood and honey. Beautiful. Intoxicating. Without even realizing it, my body naturally leans towards the door, a small humming forming in my chest. The sound is picked up on by the Alpha and Luna. They both straighten up in their chairs, nodding to each other right as the door swings open. And there he stands. A girl is behi

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