Chapter .5.

718 Words
I sleep With the wolves in my head and wake up in my own blood. We love the things that kill us. -Christopher Poindexter *** The roar of one male came over the crowd. Stephen. He always was an annoyance to Alpha Jay; however, he was Grace's older brother and a valued pack warrior. Tonight though, he was on thin ice. "How dare you bring some unknown healer to my sister?!" Alpha Jay kept his face neutral. The pack blanched at the disrespect that was shown and some shook in fear for Stephen and what could happen to him for challenging Alpha Jay's order. "Stephen," Jay said, his voice rumbling, power shaking his frame and the room with it. The one word caught the attention of the room and had one male fainting in fear. "Sit," Alpha Jay said, pointing down. Stephen immediately sat down without control over his movements. He could sense how strong Alpha Jay was. His eyes flashed gold, showing the room that his wolf was looking through him at the Alpha and assessing his strength. A growl came from Alpha Jay, directed towards Stephen. Whining at the overwhelming sense of dominance and power that radiated off one figure, Stephen showed his neck to his Alpha, displaying his sign of submitting. Making sure that there were no other challengers in sight, Alpha Jay scanned the room. Many shuttered at the golden eyes that flashed from the tall dark figure. None could maintain eye contact for more than three seconds. Satisfied that there would be no more outbursts, Alpha Jay sat back down at the desk that was in front of the room. The room itself held at least three hundred wolves, but tonight it was packed, with people standing around the edges. The pack knew that what the Alpha had to say was important. "Stephen, we will talk more in private, but for now I will say that It's a matter of life and death for Grace." A sound of someone crying could be heard in the back of the room. Alpha Jay kept his composure but inside he was uncomfortable with the sound. "She will be closely watched by Doctor Shulman and myself, and Beta John who will not leave his mate's side." The crowd nodded in understanding, whispers and mumbles being heard from several sporadic conversations. "Grace needs the pack's support and help. Please do not bombard her though. If she asks for you, go to her, but in the meantime, try not to overwhelm her and Beta John. This is a private family matter. I am only announcing it tonight because this concerns the pack's leadership and future leaders. Understood?" The pack nodded, some voicing out, "Yes Alpha." "Good. If you have any more questions or concerns for me please see me during my office hours." Alpha Jay ended the meeting by standing up and walking out of the room. The rest of the pack stood and started to talk among themselves. Alpha Jay caught several whispers before he walked out, "how can our Alpha be so heartless..." "I thought Beta John and Grace were his best friends...." Alpha Jay pulled his shoulders back. He didn't need the approval of the pack for his actions. He would decide what was best for them. He was hoping for a lot with this healer. If Grace did not survive then they would not blame the healer but him. He knew in his heart that they already despised him and loved John more. He had power but he did not possess the skills of communication to please the pack. That was John's role. Alpha Jay was good with numbers. He was good with looking at a page and seeing how the pack should run. John was good at getting those plans in motion. Alpha Jay sighed as he opened the door to his office. He sat down, tired of the events. He knew John was worse off. That he could lose his mate and maybe even his pups from this. But Alpha Jay couldn't help the overwhelming sense of loneliness that was already settling over him. He missed his Beta. That was the first meeting he had ever held without John. He wanted it to be the last. However, he knew that wouldn't be true.
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