Delilah’s Arrival

1040 Words

DARIUS POV The steel door to Darius' office swung open, and Delilah entered in all her majesty. With a smile, she strode into the room with his maids, greeting him with a bow. Meanwhile, Darius abruptly rose from his seat, tossing the files he had been studying, and walked towards her, pulling her into his arms, embracing her tightly and pressing a chaste kiss on her cheeks before quickly disentangling himself and stepping back. He didn't notice the surprise in her brow at how he had welcomed her harshly, but Darius wanted to keep his boundaries far and unattached to anything. His head had been in shambles for the past few days, ever since Brielle's arrival, and he couldn't think straight without his thoughts wandering to her, which he didn't like. He had taken out his rage on t

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