Loosing Restraints

1032 Words

BRIELLE’S POV Brielle's hands gripped Lord Darius's veiny manhood, slurping on the thick length. Cheers to her, thinking today's training would be similar to what Lady Delilah had done to her, but it wasn't. He'd told her it was a s*x training, so they'd get right to the point and not waste any time. He'd break her and shape her to his liking, but he hadn't done anything yet because he only wanted her to pleasure him, and that she was doing. Knees down, as he had instructed, she would occasionally free her mouth from his d**k, wanting to get some air before resuming the duty of making him orgasm. This was her second time doing this, and as she took him roughly, under his guidance, Brielle could tell from the groans he made that despite being a s*x novice, she was doing a pretty

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