New Friends

2342 Words
Willa’s POV “Warriors huh?” I said. Alanzo nodded his head as he took a chunk of his steak and stuck it in his mouth. “We are the top three, meaning we are in the special forces. We can do secret missions for the royals, spying, fighting, tracking, you name it. In fact, we just did one a few months ago, our team found our Luna in rogue territory.”  “Yeah, we got so much p***y after that,” Caleb, the guy on Alanso’s left said. The guy was decent looking, cocky just like most wolves though. He had sun bleached hair and a few tattoos on his arms.  “I’m guessing no mates for you guys yet then?” I questioned. All of them were silent until Alanso spoke up. “Not yet, they are out there. When we find them, we’ll chase ‘em and mark ‘em just like they did in the old days.” I gave a shocked look while Violet giggled. Alexo gave Violet a wink while I just rolled my eyes.  Most of the nice looking guys I’ve met were horny wolves. I don’t even know why these wolves have mates, they are screwing anything with two legs, then again there maybe centaurs out there for all I know, then it would be four legs. They were, however, more respectful after I told them their manhood was at risk being cut off later if they tried to touch me. Which they found hilarious and now want for me to stay near them to protect me from other horny males. “Being human gives you special privileges since you are weak,” Alanso told me. Gee thanks? “Are there a lot of missions? Do you go spy on some mermaids in the water taking their tops off?” I jest. Alanzo threw his head back and laughed. Several other wolves looked over and I couldn’t help but shrink a little. Keeping comments to myself, duly noted. Once Alonso had his fun he went back to eating and never replied. “Ew,” I whispered to Violet.  Sammy, the other wolf that was up Alanso’s butt was a bit on the quiet side. He seemed nice and most of all tolerable. There were several times I caught him staring, maybe the whole human being in a house full of wolves gave off a bad smell. Before I could ask Sammy what he thought about all of this man-whoring around, Carlos walked up and he looked ticked. “Willa, Doll, how are you?” he grit his teeth. Carlos sat his plate next to mine and almost came arm to arm with me. I scooted over a bit which only made him scoot closer. Sensing my distress, Alanso glanced at Carlos, “hey pup, I think she wants some space.” Alanso gave a deep growl and Carlos only glared in return.  “I’ll do what I want, you glorified tracker.” Alonso stood up abruptly and puffed out his chest while Carlos followed. I’ve never seen a brawl from this close with werewolves, so I took it as my que to leave. Elbowing Violet, she took the hint and let me out of the seat.  “She’s my date tomorrow, I can talk to her all I want!” Carlos yelled. Looking back, it was only getting heated. Part of me wanted to stop it, I didn't want anyone getting hurt because of me. I ran back to get in between them and put my hand on both of their chests. “Listen, let’s calm down. Everything is fine. I was just giving Carlos some space. Carlos, Alonso is my new friend, alright?  Alanso stepped back a bit but grabbed my hand to pull me away. Carlos’s teeth began to elongate so I ran to him and put my hand on his chest again. His teeth started to retract. “Carlos, just stop this OK?” Carlos stepped back and several warriors had come over to see the commotion. “What’s going on here?” We heard a deep voice say. Looking at the voice I saw that it was Alpha Seth. Neither of the boys were going to say anything, so I spoke up. “I’m sorry, uh, Alpha, Sir. Just a misunderstanding. They won’t fight anymore, right guys?” I looked at both of them but their eyes had not left each other.  “Both of you, in my office. Now.” The amount of authority and heaviness of his voice was suffocating. With that, Alpha Seth left the dining room with two wolves tailing him. Every wolf in the dining room was staring at me, I let out a small sigh and walked to the side door leading to the back yard. Violet was still with Alexso and the way my mood was she knew I needed time to myself. It was what I knew anyway right? To be alone?  Alanso’s POV We made the long walk to the Alpha’s office. I hate being dragged in here, it has only happened a few times since Alpha Seth has taken over and it is not the most pleasant experience. His wolf is massive and he can half shift, something that takes precision and skills and usually a king can do this. Alpha Seth has been known to hold it for three days straight since he hunted for his mate from the rogue battle a few months ago. “Can someone tell me what the f**k was that?” Alpha Seth growled as he sat behind his desk chair. Carlos, the smug i***t sat in the chair across from him and folded his arms against his chest. The fucker had the audacity to roll his eyes in front of the Alpha which was a death sentence.  Alpha jumped over the desk and gripped Carlos’s neck so fast he didn’t see it coming. He was pinned to the floor, choking for air and I couldn’t help but chuckle to myself. “Want to lose the attitude?” He roared as the room began to shake. Thank the Goddess the Luna had the walls reinforced. After his first couple ‘meetings’ with rowdy wolves she had enough.  Carlos tried to nod his head but only a gurgle came from his lips so he tilted his head to show submission. Alpha gave him one last squeeze and got up and went back to his desk. Carlos coughed and regained his breathing and sat back in the chair. I was already on the Alpha’s good side by not fighting back. Heh, go me. “Do I need to ask my question again?” Alpha spoke in a whisper, which was almost as scary as him yelling. “Yes, Alpha,” I spoke with as much confidence as I could muster. “There is a human, Willa, Carlos looked like he was getting up in her space and she wasn’t comfortable with it, so I spoke to him about backing off. He started giving attitude and eventually Willa had to calm us down.” Carlos scowled at me as I finished my turn speaking. “Carlos? Sounds about right? Anything to add?” Alpha spoke calmly.  “She’s mine, I don’t have to listen to a damn thing this tracker says,” Carlos spat. “Is Willa your mate?” Carlos paused for a second. “Don’t lie to me pup, I don’t take to it kindly,” Alpha growled.  “Technically, second chance mate,” Carlos said lowly.  “Chosen or fated?” Why the hell would he ask that? Does it matter? I thought.  “A bit of both. I have a strong attraction to her and I’ve always wanted her, her smell calls to me,” Carlos looked away. Something wasn’t right but I couldn't detect a lie. Alpha shifted in his seat as he stared at Carlos. His fingers tapped on the desk and looked out the window, mind-linking someone.  “Does she feel it? The bond?” Alpha tilted his eyebrow.  “I don’t know, she won’t let me touch her, her skin away. Just touches through fabric. She’s hesitant, considering my past and reputation.” I scoffed. No wonder she wanted to be far away from the prick and all the rest of us. She wasn't going to have a horny bastard. She's got standards, good for her, sorry for the poor guy who ever gets her.  When she sat down at the dinner table I knew she was a ‘no nonsense’ kind of girl. She was smart, she knew what wolves do even when they are destined for a mate.  Alpha pointed his finger at Carlos. “If she shows signs or if she tells you to back off, you back off. I’m trusting Alanso and his team to keep an eye on you. One slip up and you’re out, you hear?” Carlos nodded his head reluctantly.  “In my opinion, Carlos, she isn’t your mate. I suggest you move on.” Alpha said gruffly. Carlos furrowed his brows in question. “How would you know? You don’t know Willa.”  “I’ve got my sources, now back off. Dismissed.” With the no-nonsense tone we both left the office and went our separate ways.  Willa’s POV Walking through to the backyard of the pack house there was a massive lake. Several kids were on the other side and the sun was beginning to set. The weather was still warm from the afternoon sun or suns and I went to put my feet in the water. The small pier led to about a quarter of the way into the lake. I rolled up my skinny jeans and took off my sandals and dipped my feet in the refreshing water. It looked so clean, it was so clear you could see straight to the bottom. Small fish swam around in vibrant colors you would think would only be in the ocean.  I smiled to myself as I sat and observed for a while, the larger sun had set and the smaller one lingered on the horizon. It was getting dark but the view of this new world intrigued me too much to go in. Instead of seeing fireflies, I’m guessing the pixies are lighting the way. They danced around the leaves on the trees and often would come to the lake and skip across. It was so magical to see them laughing and their voices sounding like little bells.  How could a place like this exist and no human could know about it? Humans were the real monsters it seems, running Earth and using all of the natural resources until they are completely depleted. The air here was so clean and fresh making me feel like I could live forever and not age myself.  My bum was getting a bit numb from sitting so long, so I switched positions on my stomach. My legs were in the air swaying back and forth, my head was laying on one of my arms as I took my other hand and had my fingers dance along the water. Small frogs could be heard on the outskirts of the lake.  A few splashes from the fish, jumping to get away from a predator. At peace, I felt at peace. For the first time in a long time I didn’t have the aching feeling in the back of my head from my parents.  Nevermind, they just came back to my mind. Letting a large sigh escape my lips I tried to think of things besides them. Besides them leaving me alone, not ever loving me and a brand on my heart thinking no one else could love me. Sure Violet and her parents care for me and even say they love me but it wasn’t the deep rooted love a blood parent could give. Heck, their own love for each other was broken. Humans weren’t meant for that, they are the real monsters and I got stuck being one of them.  Who could love me anyway, even if there was such a thing for me to have a mate I think I would have a hard time. My brain is too messed up, too much emotional baggage. Someone could do better. I’ve made it this far without anyone, I could go through life without someone loving me.  Could I really though? Maybe I was meant not to be loved. The love I want, Carlos and any of those stupid wolves couldn’t give me. They just want a hand in someone’s pants.  A small tear dropped out of my eye and landed in the water and I started to sing my favorite song as I continued to draw meaningless circles across the surface.  “If I die young, bury me in satin Lay me down on a bed of roses Sink me in the river at dawn Send me away with the words of a love song Oh-oh, oh-oh And I'll be wearing white when I come into your kingdom I'm as green as the ring on my little cold finger I've never known the lovin' of a man But it sure felt nice when he was holding my hand There's a boy here in town, says he'll love me forever Who would have thought forever could be severed by The sharp knife of a short life Well, I've had just enough time.
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