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Orion’s POV “Do you think your mystery siren girl is here somewhere?” Annan mentioned as I pulled my cape around my neck. The brother’s had slept late, clear up until we were supposed to be there in just under an hour. They had drunk themselves with all of the ale and then went into the pack house in the middle of the night and stole some werewine. Werewine was much more potent than ours so of course they got drunk off their arses.   Annan woke with me early, as always, and we trained in the wolves’ warrior training arena since most were tending to the Princess’s requests of cleaning and preparing for the mating ceremony. She had really gone overboard, more so than her own mating ceremony, it only made me wonder what she has up her sleeve.  Annan came back over and slapped me on the shoulder, “Did you hear me at all, your highness? Is your head in the clouds?” he chided. I gave a small smirk and took the cufflinks off the dresser. “I don’t know Annan, but I pray to the gods she will be there.” Annan slumped down in a vacant chair as we heard the brothers screaming at each other to stop using the hot water.  “You know, maybe she was a siren, the way you talk this morning on the training fields and her singing she might be one. She just has you captivated under her spell until she will lure you into the waters.”  “She is not a siren,” I sighed. “She was fully clothed and ran from the water like someone was chasing for her life because some nitwit wanted to come find me.” I scoffed as I finished checking my appearance in the mirror. If I was to find this damsel I was going to damn well going to look like a king. I’ll take whatever crutch I can get because this girl, woman, was different. I could sense it through my magic. It zapped my heart like electricity.  “Let’s go, I want to get a good seat,” Annan said as he walked out the door. If this girl was who I think she is, this might be the last day I spend alone, I could possibly have my mate in my arms. Letting out a large sigh, I followed Annan to the pack house.  The inside of the pack house was pristine, everything had been dusted, cleaned and flowers flowed over the foyer. Even though the party was to be outside, Sadie had made sure the essence of the mating ceremony trickled into her home. Annan had already made his way to the kitchen, sneaking snacks and what not. While I waited for him to return I headed to the back part of the house where the back deck stood and where most of the wolves had retreated to. I was to be one of the last ones to be escorted since I was of high nobility.  A glimmer caught my eye as I looked to my left, it was a girl standing next to the stairs looking through the large window. Her eyes were wide with curiosity as he hand laid gently on the clear pane. Her hair was done up in loose, dark curls that framed her face, the tendrils touched her neck and shoulder effortlessly. I was completely enamored by her, she was more beautiful than Aphrodite herself. Her aura was glowing more so than I had ever seen. Golden light whipped around her with small bits of dark smoke that would encompass her heart. She may have looked lively and happy on the outside, but her aura told me something different. She was sad and conflicted, possibly depressed.   Fae’s were known for reading auras, my ability was much more powerful due to me being a high ranked fae but any fae could see the dark that surrounded her that she kept hidden. My heart lurched to go and comfort her. Could this be the girl I had seen last night at the lake? Her hair might be the same but her hair covered her face so delicately I couldn’t see.  “Your highness!” Annan finally shoved me playfully. Looking at Annan annoyed I saw three wolves go up to my mystery girl in gold and started speaking with her. “You have dreadfully bad timing,” I spoke annoyed.  “What now? Oh! Is that the girl over there? Damn, your highness she’s gorgeous! Are you looking for just a good time? It’s been so long, I can’t be the only man getting some tail!” Annan jokefully jabbed but a switch was let off in my brain. Grabbing him by the neck and going to the nearest utility closet I opened and shut the door hastily. His head was slammed against the wall and I could feel my fangs descending. “s**t, Orion!” I felt my teeth and realized they had indeed descended and covered my mouth. Showing fangs and being a fae and became taboo. We were supposed to be more sophisticated than the fairies and the sprites. One doesn’t go baring fangs or showing their wings so freely. “I-I am sorry.” I straighten my shirt and cape. “I don’t know what came over me,” I wiped my brow and looked at Annan, he was grinning like an i***t. “What is it, Annan speak!?” Being frustrated I opened the closet door and stormed out. The girl in question was gone and I put my hand through my hair.  “You like heeeeeer,” he said sing-songingly. “I’ve never seen you like a girl like that before! Oh, gods, is she your mate? Damn you are finally going to get some!” Annan squealed quietly like a little girl. “You know, if another fae saw you act like this you would be reported for not representing the court properly.” “Who the hell cares, Orion. You are going to change all of that anyway.” “And I will, not until I have my mate by my side. I swore to the Moon Goddess to reform the entire kingdom but not until my own soul has been sated!” Annan quieted down and an usher came forth to bring me to my seat.  “Good luck, your highness,” Annan winked and I followed the usher to my seat. The gods had blessed me and I was to be seated right across the aisle from my golden goddess. I was only two arm lengths away from touching her. Her skin was slightly tan and her hands were the smallest I had ever seen, as a whole she was small. I’m sure if she stood beside me while I sat she would still barely reach the top of my head. What was she? Surely not a shifter or a witch. I glanced at Sadie who was smiling giddily at me. She had something to do with this, she is more sneaky than a damn fae at times and it was nerve wracking.  Sadie winked at me and nodded her head to the side where this girl was. One of the werewolves started speaking to her, making her laugh and that was when I knew I had found my siren. The different pitches in her laugh was so recognizable, almost like fairy bells ringing to the tops of my pointed ears. She was the girl by the lake, singing that sad song. I gave a smirk and looking back at Sadie she did the same and let off a little wink. My Princess knows something, and I’m going to find out what it is very soon.  The mating ceremony had officially begun, and the girl, named Violet, was coming down the aisle waiting for her parents to give her away. As Violet passed us while we were standing, waiting for the officiant to tell us to sit, our eyes met.  The light sources never seemed bright anymore. Her bright blue eyes bore into mine as if she was reading my own soul. Fireworks erupted over my skin, my magic was trying to leak out of my body as I felt her gaze on my very own face. Her pouty lips were parted, shining with the lip gloss she had on. I wanted to take her there, kiss her lips and let her know I would take care of her throughout eternity. I would make her happy and make sure she would never be sad, she was mine and I didn’t care who knew.  Her eyes were soft and warm, so much warmer than any other woman I had seen. Somehow I knew her eyes were made for me, her body would be easily encompassed in my own as I took care of her and showed her how much that I would love her.  Our stare was broken by the dumb, dumb and dumber and pulled her to her seat. They took her hand and asked her what was wrong and I could feel the possessiveness take over me. I’ve never been one to act irrational, but now that I found my mate after over 800 years I damn well wasn’t letting her go. By no means necessary would I let her go. I gripped my hands into a fist and saw the wolves eyeing me from afar, I glared right back to show I wasn’t going to back down.  Once the ceremony was over, everyone began to get up from their seats. My siren stood up and greeted the newly mated couple and gave the female, Violet, a hug. “Congratulations, sister,” she whispered quietly.  Willa’s POV I could still feel the King’s eyes from the back of my head. It didn’t feel uncomfortable, I was more nervous than anything but the moment I looked into his eyes I wanted to get to know him. He held secrets and hearing from two different people of what he could be like I was utterly confused.  The stage was being quickly taken away, even while I stood there with Violet and her family. We all laughed and hopped off and there was a dance floor that covered a small area of the court yard. The omegas had set up tables and chairs in record time and the DJ had quickly set up his equipment and started playing music. Many werewolf couples took the floor while several went to the buffet table and grabbed plates of food.  It was a beautiful affair, Luna Sadie did a wonderful job, especially the colors that Violet picked: whites and yellows, no purples like her name entails. Being able to come here to the Warrior pack was such a blessing, especially since most of her family lived here and not on Earth. I wandered aimlessly around the different decorations, watched the kids run around tables and dance on the dance floor. They really did work like a unit here, a family, everyone cared for each other. If only humans interacted that way. The heels started to ache my feet from wandering around so I decided to sit alone at one of the tables. My warriors were chatting up with a few girls, I didn’t want to be a block to them if they were trying to, ‘get some,’ as Alanso would say.  Many times I was offered champagne but I quickly denied, I wasn’t much of an alcohol drinker and from the looks of it it was made with super werewolf alcohol because some of them were getting drunk, which were mostly the warriors. Alpha Seth was giving them a harsh scolding until Alanso, Sammy and Caleb came up to me.  “Enjoying the party?” Caleb taunted me as I sat at a table by myself. I wasn’t much for mingling, I was always the people watcher.  “Yes,” I smiled. “Just relaxing for the first time in a few days, taking in the scenery I guess.”  “How about you get up and dance with me? I’ll be good to ya, I promise.” Looking at his hand I contemplated going to dance but Sadie put her hands on my shoulders.  “Actually boys,” Sadie interrupted. “I have someone I wanted to introduce her to. Your services escorting her will be done for the evening. Just keep an eye out for that one fellow we discussed.” Alanso nodded and gave me a small smile as he retracted his hand. I gave a small wave and Sadie helped me out of the chair.  “Have you enjoyed everything so far?” Luna Sadie pried.  “Yes, very much,” I twiddled my fingers as we walked. I was being led close to the dance floor and my heart began to race. Who was this mystery person she wanted me to meet? I saw a very tall man with his back facing me, he was wearing a white cape with decorative green stitching of leaves.  My heart began to flutter faster, it was King Orion.  “Willa, I want you to meet my very good friend, King Orion.” Orion turned around with a drinking glass in hand. He looked down on me and gave a smile. Sadie giggled humorously as I stood there dumbfounded. Orion was as cool as a cucumber. He was as regal as any king should be. His long white hair had a few braids with gold bands encompassing some. His nose was straight and his complexion was flawless. His skin almost glowed white and his eyes were golden embers that still bore into mine. His jaw was sharp and I could swear you could see his cheekbones protrude just a bit out of his face. An angel, and here he was up close.  “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, dear Willa,” King Orion slightly bowed and gave a smirk. Do I bow? Curtsy? “It is w-wonderful to m-meet you too, your Majesty,” I looked at Luna Sadie for some guidance and whispered to her, “do I bow or curtsy?”  Sadie laughed out loud and King Orion chuckled.  “None of that,” King Orion replied. “In fact, please call me Orion,” Orion held out his hand and as I was about to take it I heard a loud growl behind me and a harsh pull on my waist.   “She’s MINE, get away from her PIXIE!”
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