10. Petty

1776 Words
Petty. I felt rather wild, and went ahead to fix the date at one of Mr. Winchester's fancy hotels, certain of the fact that he would find me there. It took him all of fifteen minutes to drop in with a brunette and secure the nearest table to us. Gary doesn't seem to notice that there's an angry lycan who looks seconds away from ripping his head off. I pretend not to notice too. If the woman notices that Mr. Winchester's attention is somewhere else, she does little to show it. "What do you do?" I ask and take a drink from my glass. The coffee burns deep in my throat and I shut my eyes, relishing in the feel of it. "I'm a lab scientist for the most part of it. I own an impressive lab downtown. I work in biogenetics." Should I know what that means? Where I come from, *science* isn't important enough to be a subject in school. What does a race that doesn't get old or need medicine to heal need science for? It's really that simple. The Goddess created all things, and she can unmake them if she wishes. There isn't much more to it than that. Humans do love to delude themselves, believing in things that are not real. He must see the blank look on my face because he expatiates, "It explores the interplay between biology and genetics, unlocking the secrets of life itself. We delve into the intricacies of DNA, unraveling the mysteries of genes and their potential to shape and transform living organisms." I don't understand s**t he just said. "Why enroll in business school then?" He lifts his shoulder and lets it drop. "I was curious." I let myself smile sheepishly and say, "That's really hot." No, it is not, but Mr. Winchester is eavesdropping. Dark eyes sweep me appreciatively. "May I say something?" My brows rise. I just might have stumbled upon a true gentleman. I shrug. "Sure." "Ms. Sullivan," he says softly, eyes glittering. "I look at you and feel like I have stumbled upon something extraordinary. A wonder. If there were ever a woman who embodied the essence of a goddess walking among mortals, it is you, and I'd be a godsdamned liar if I said all I wanted to do was talk," he pauses and adds quickly before I can form words to respond with, "Though, I'm grateful I get to do that at least. You are way out of my league." He isn't. By human standards, he'd be hot. Tall, toned and athletic physique, strong, well-defined jawline, pretty eyes, charming smile that'd probably melt the hearts of other females. But I grew up around males whose smiles would have you hopping on them and seeking pleasures that'd last for a lifetime. Human males pale in comparison, appearance-wise, but they make up for it with their hearts and passion to live. Perhaps, I should let myself experience that tonight. With this human who'll probably get his arms broken when I get him in my bed. That should be more than enough motivation to stop, but like I said earlier, I feel particularly wild. Something within me was unleashed in that office when Mr. Winchester tried to compel me into speaking. I want to hurt him back, and this is the only way I know how to. So I reach for Gary's tie, a sultry smile curving my lips as I tug him closer with it gently. "You don't know that." His lips part, and there is something in his gaze that makes me feel inexplicably high. He might not have been spilling sweet nonsenses when he'd said he thought I was extraordinary. He looks at me that way. With reverence. Like if I asked him to fall to his knees for me, he would. Perhaps, it is the dress I stole from Ray's closet--a scandalous little thing that leaves little else to the imagination. Perhaps, it is my dark make-up and bloodred lips. I look beautiful, and I know it. Sinclair Winchester knows it too. I can feel it in my blood, his rage and desire. It pounds through me, clouding my senses. I lean into Gary's space, breathing in his warm scent of mint and wine, and his eyes flick to my lips. I hear his heart rate quicken, but he pulls back, out of my reach. "I...I think this might be going faster than I fathomed," he stutters. A few feet away, the sound of shattering glass reaches my ears and I don't need to turn to know Mr. Winchester isn't liking this one but. I hide my smile. Flattening my palms against the table, I stand. "I need to use the bathroom. I'll be right back." I walk around the table slowly, letting him take in my figure, watching him swallow and shift uncomfortably in his seat. I bend slightly, lowering my lips to his ear and whisper, knowing fully well that Mr. Winchester can hear me. "Perhaps, you could teach me some of that science in your apartment." Mr. Winchester's seat groans and I smile to myself, making my way across the restaurant and humming the tune playing in the background. Heads turn and men stare at me abashedly. I don't blame them for it. This dress is fire and sin. I'm honestly surprised that it takes him half a minute to knock down the bathroom door in search of me. "What the f**k do you think you're doing?" I ignore him, washing my hands under the tap. "You're going to his apartment? And then what? You f**k him?" I turn slightly, expression empty. "Yes." His eyes, dark with anger, gleam with murder, and he turns away sharply, starting towards the door, muscles taut with barely leashed control. I lean back against the counter. "What now, Mr. Winchester? You're going to kill him? Do that, and I'll find the nearest male to hop on. Perhaps the guards you have outside my apartment watching me. Or maybe I'll find Elijah and offer him my body too--" "Don't f*****g say that to me!" His voice bounces off the walls, echoing within the room, reverberating in my very soul. I just stare at him blankly. "Why? Does it affect you? What I do? With who I plan to do it with? Do your rules not apply to you too?" His gaze is heavy on me. "You can't have me where you want me, Ginevra. I do not change for you or anyone else. Your words, your actions, they only serve to infuriate me, and I do not function well when I am f*****g pissed." I scoff. "Bold of you to assume that I give a s**t about your feelings. I was merely trying to point something out. You do whatever the f**k you want. I do whatever I want. I don't stop you. You don't stop me. You stay the hell away from me and whoever I choose to f**k is my own freaking choice. You want to hurt Gary to stroke your stupid ego? Go right ahead, I won't stop you. Get ready to murder the entire city of New York because I do not plan on staying celibate for your pathetic ass." He regards me for a moment, then a slow, half-smile curves his lips. "That's what it's all about, isn't it?" Mr. Winchester tilts his head back and chuckles deeply. "I must say, Ms. Sullivan, you've managed to crawl right under my skin." He stalks me, slowly. I stay very still, refusing to let him get to me. "Tell me, what do you want? Shall I stop seeing other women and dote on you?" "I couldn't care less," I say icily. His fingers rise to cup my cheek and I remain still as a statue, staring into his enchanting eyes. "Where'd you learn to lie like that? Could have had me fooled." "Home." His head tilts and I will ice and stone into my veins as his breath tickles my nose. "And where is home, Gin?" I think of the castle I spent most of my life in. I think of my father's manor and the gardens, the rooms, the rides across town, the sleep over with my friends, the wild parties, school... Did I ever feel at home in Lycanthia? Did I ever feel content, like I had everything I needed in that place? Did I ever feel safe? My cool, calm facade cracks a little. "Nowhere." Surprisingly, he doesn't push. He lets his hand drop from my cheek. "I cannot be that person you wish me to be. I don't do the doting or making choices based on someone else's desires. It's just not who I am, and even if I knew how to do it, which I don't, I still wouldn't." "I never asked you to be or do anything." "Your eyes tell a different story." "You're seeing wrong." "You truly wish to have s*x with the human?" "Yes." "I can't let you do that. He can't have you. You're mine. I do not make threats. I make promises. You f**k him, I kill him before dawn. Have it your way. A mere spatter of blood has never deterred me." Each word is laced with violence and death, and though I know nothing about Sinclair Winchester, other than the regular, I can tell he means every word. "Do what you will. You're not taking this from me." I walk away from him, swallowing and breathing slowly to stop the tears that threaten to fill my eyes. He leaves shortly after. I don't follow Gary home. Not that I can anyway. I refuse his offer to take me home, scared that Mr. Winchester might read the wrong meaning to it and I will have the blood of an innocent man on my hands. My thoughts are filled with anger and hate. Perhaps, it is why I barely notice the men in the backseat of the cab I enter. Something stabs into my neck and I jolt, back slamming into the car seat. I feel them behind me. They smell wrong, somewhat murky. My hand reaches for my neck to pull out what I have been stabbed with. I find a syringe in my hand. An emptied out syringe. Panic seizes me, causing me to turn, but I suddenly feel dizzy. I fumble for the door instead, seeking out the handle, but strong arms hold me in place. The last thing I hear before I fall into oblivion comes from a male in the front seat. "Stay put, doll. I promise, I won't hurt you."
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