Chapter 14

2054 Words

*Paige POV* I smile as Carter walks away. Readjusting myself so I can tune out the sensory overload that this room brings. It was nice to be out in the fresh air for a little bit. The silence of the night, the beauty of the moon and the trees. I sigh as the movie loops in the background once more. I yell at the white wall. "Don't do it you bimbo" Of course, she never listens and, of course, she meets her fate once more. I close my eyes. My wolf and I have come to an agreement. She is not trying to fight me on this now. She doesn't try and heal me so I can get a bit of proper sleep. It's not that she has ever been against my idea, but her primary job is to make sure her vessel is in top-top condition. So this goes against everything that she is about aswell, I am pushing us both so f

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