*Divorce settlement*

2624 Words

Isobel's POV I was married and I was unhappy. He was violent and didn’t treat me right and he didn’t treat my family right either. He got nasty and nastier. Every day things just got worse. When things got pretty bad I managed and coped day by day by trying to ignore him. I would do my own thing at home trying to ignore him. If he started nagging at me or whatever I would get in the car and go for a drive or go visit Mum’s place or friends – just to get away from him. When I got back home he would be sweet for a while then he would be back to the old nasty person. When we were together he was very strict about who I went out with. I couldn’t easily go out with other people, girls or guys – I had no life. I felt I was a prisoner in my own home. If I did go out it was only with my family

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