Chapter 7:*Aphrodisiac*

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*CELINA'S POV* Frequent yawns left his mouth with a deep sigh. His stomach rumbled like one who has an intense belly upset as his eyes were fixed on Celina private's part. He pulls his office roller chair backwards, stood away from it, and began to walk unhurriedly towards Celina stroke his tie. She knew from a glimpse through her side view that Alexander was approaching her but she kept still acting busy on the shelf to give him the impression that she was still fixing the file in it. Alexander knew her trick, he slightly increases walking steps towards her. placing his palm on her ass he began to fondle her buttocks as he got to her. "Why are you still at the shelve," he asked with his mouth shivering and pressing against her neck. Celina felt a vibrating impact all over her body with the touch of his lips on her neck which is her weak emotional spot. She knew she had got him from at that moment after she heard the sound of his voice as he spoke. She leaned her buttocks against the zip of Alexander's trousers and felt his erection. "Boss, please don't hurt me, if you will let me I will leave immediately," she said flickering her eyes while knowing that Alexander aroused. Celina was beginning to think of what it will be like to be loved by her boss, who is a billionaire. His wealth is enormous that no women in her right senses will want to say no to his advances, that will only happen if the lady is unfortunate or she has been cast a spell by an old witch but not me Celina she said. I will have to make good use of this opportunity I have just gotten, maybe a $1billion could be a share of his inheritance for just a kid I will bear for him. I would not mind making it 2, 3 or even more as he pleases. "Will he pull out his d**k, slip it into my wet p***y and get me pregnant" she muttered to herself in joy as shady thought continued to run ramage in Celina's mind. Alexander suddenly stop on his track and moved away from Celina. He went and sat on top of his table and continued to stare at Celina, swept drops fell from his cheeks, leaving his white and well-ironed shirt messed up and damp. Celina turned around staring at him to wonder while he had to leave her to go sit on his table all of a sudden. Immediately Alexander realised Celina eyes on him, his bulge was still kicking against the zip of his trousers as it was yet to conclude its mission for getting erect at the first place but he kept squeezing his erection in between his left to hide it from Celina, who knew it was ready for lovemaking with her. Alexander's eye squinted more than usual like her had the brightness of sunray beaming towards him. he felt he was under a spell because he found it difficult to make a complete statement without stammering terribly. If he had to feel this way while Celina never touched him what will happen when she comes closer to him and begin to touch him in a way he never thought his secretary could. He would not be expecting her to respect him as her boss because he started it first, he fell for her seduction now she has lost all the respect she should have for her employer. This was one of the major reasons Amelia was never going to give Alexander a chance in her life, his not just too loose for getting seduced by women but he is always the one who makes the flirty approach to get them. Celina leaves the shelve where she had stood for a while and strolls towards Alexander where he sat on the table pulling apart the bottom of her shirt while bearing her two full breasts naked to the eyes of Alexander. "Don't be surprised about me, we can have it just only today I know you have always wanted to taste how good I am on the bed. Shhh! I have got some great skill to show you that all your numerous girlfriends will never have thought about of to get you down with" she said, clinging his erection and squeezing it slightly to cause more hardness on Alexander. "Celine, please I am finding it hard to think now, can we have another date for us to have all these s*x styles you are proposing. I do want to have them too," he said while looking away from her this time even as she kept her hands holding on t his erection softly. Alexander was not concerned about anything at all that would make him not want to have s*x with Celina in his office immediately, he was just giving time for his drug to circulate all through his body so he can give her an experience she will never forget for having to seduce him this way. We may not have this opportunity again boss, I know how numerous your dates are and I know how difficult It for me to complete with them to always be with you. I am just your mere staff, who lives on your payroll to keep up with life survival but your girlfriends are classy and self-made women who self-made richer than me. I know you don't love me in any way but just s*x me, please, I have been hoping for this since I came into this organization of yours, you can't deny me of this desire for another day. I am letting my body completing down to your mercy, save or kill me, Alexander" she said, as intense emotion ran through her body, she kept trembling in between every single word she let out. Alexander held her palm still which she was using to touch his erection and shifted it away, he was getting super erect than he would have thought. Then he bends her back over against his table, with her both palms now left flat on his table. Celina began to struggle to grip strongly to the edge of the table or anything other stronger and well-fitted material which was on his table. Alexander didn't t care to give her any opportunities to at least relax her back on the wall. Her eyes kept rolling back and her fingers, elbows and knees quivered. "Alexander, I am sorry…, she mumbled her lips finding it difficult to express but pain and pleasure. "I am sorry, Alexander. I am going to c*m, I am cumming.. "Alright go ahead Celina, c*m, you have got me so erect and you feel you can get away with it. I am not stopping anytime soon but only on one condition" Alexander replied. Ahh!, please what condition Alexander, Ouch, Ouch! Say it please boss I will agree to it, don't f**k me to death" she cried out. "Okay then, if you will agree to it then I will say it and I beg you, Celine, Please no erm before you say, Yes to it" he replied "Ouch! Tell me.., please I won't. What is the condition Alexander, I am hurt in my p***y. I can't bear the pains anymore" she continued to plead to Alexander.
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