
1337 Words
I growled in a warning and turn around. There stood a wolf with black fur with silver streaks all over his body. I crunched down low and growled in a warning once again. From the smell, I can tell he is a rogue. Rogues don't smell horrible like any werewolf book makes them out to be. They just don't wear any pack's scent, they carry their wolf scent, which is why they are called rogues or lone wolf. I don't want to kill any rogue unless they harm me or my pack in any way, hence I give him another growl, in the hope he backs off, but the wolf has another thing in his mind as he leapt towards me, barring his teeth as he attacked. I ducked down which caused his body to crash into the tree behind me. He whined in pain and stood back to fight me. I smirked as I watched him running towards me with a broken leg. I don't want to cause him any pain so I killed him one blow, so that it's less painful. I gripped his scruff and pushed him down. He whined as I put the pressure on his throat before I sink my canines deeper into his veins. His body went limp after a minute and I retreated my canines. After digging a hole in a ground, big enough for his body, I dragged him into the hole and buried his body. Even though he was a rogue he deserves a proper burial. I let out a sad howl and returned to the pack. Beta Issac sneered discreetly at me when I ran past him. Ignoring his blatant disrespect I made my way into my room, which is across from the office. I entered the bathroom and washed my body properly, removing the trace of today's unfortunate event. I sighed and placed a hand on the shower wall as warm water trailed down my back. It felt like heaven after that run. I wrapped a towel around my body and exit the bathroom. Slipping on some comfy clothes, I made my way into the dining hall for dinner. Every pack members are present and stood up to bow before me when I entered the hall. I nodded at them took the head seat. I once again ignored the sneer on the Beta's ugly face. That bastard hates to work under me, a woman Alpha. According to him, women are to be used only for breeding and pleasure and that they are beneath men. I so want to rip his head off but I'm just an Alpha until dad comes back, and I don't think he'll be very happy to see I killed his Beta behind his back. He will take it a challenge and it can create some unwanted misunderstanding between us. Even though we're extremely close, the rules are rules and disrespecting the Alpha is equivalent to death. And killing the Beta will be utter disrespecting, so I stuck it up and ignore the disrespectful sneers he is sending my way. I put some food on my plate and eat it distractedly. My mind is still trying to figure out why my wolf, who is more mature than me, put us in a dangerous situation. I tried to come with an appropriate reason but found none. I tried to contact her but she blocked me out. She is still grieving in self-guilt for putting us in danger and I feel bad for her. I tried to talk her out of it but the barrier stopped me from contacting her. At last, I have no choice but to retreat and leave her until she is feeling better, which can take days or months. I sighed, imagining a few months without her, it'll be unbearably lonely. I whined sadly inside my head, hoping she feels it and comes back out. When she didn't appear, I sighed and give up. I have to give her time, she'll talk to me whenever she is ready. It's not like she can put up the barrier whole life, we have to live depending on each other and sooner or later she'll have to talk to me. So with that thought, I left her alone. I don't want to force her to talk to me or anything. Once I finished my dinner I went back to my bed and lay down. Tired of all the activities since morning I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. I ran as fast as I could, dodging any attack thrown my way. Screams of terror echoed into my ears and nonstop tears flowed out of my eyes, praying the moon goddess that this just an ugly nightmare. I whimpered as I felt the connection broke one by one from my pack members, indicating they're dead. I'm shocked at how fast my pack members are dying. The ground of the pack is tainted red from the blood of its members. There is chaos everywhere, the dead body of pack members littered all around the trees. I whimpered as I ran past all of the dead body. Unbearable guilt flowed through me, I failed to protect my pack. The sinister laughed from the attackers flowed through my ears, causing my body to shudder in disgust. How can one be so cruel? They're laughing at our misery. I yelped when a wolf suddenly attacked me. I shook my body to shake him off but his tight hold on my flesh didn't lose, so I have no other option than to fight back. I gripped a large amount of chunk of his fur and yanked it out of his skin, along with his flesh. He howled in pain and let go of me. I crunched down in a low position, ready to fight the wolf off. He growled at me in anger and attacked me once again. I tried to dodge his attack but didn't manage to dodge in time and his claws dug into my flesh, leaving a cut down my back. I cried out as an excruciating pain numbed my senses for a second, which give the wolf an advantage as he attacked me at my vulnerable state, his canines dug into my flesh and he tore that part out. Blood coated my platinum blonde fur. At the rate, I'm losing blood is certainly terrifying. I can die if he manages to harm me once more. I don't want to die yet, not before I made them pay for their sin, so with that thought, I stand up and with every strength, I can muster, I collided my body with his, he flew few steps back and collided with a tree. With the use of my claw, I sliced his neck before he can regain his senses. I then leap towards my father. I was a few steps back from my dad, who is fighting a wolf. The wolf, who is fighting my dad, sent blow after blow. My dad is barely keeping up with him. I decided to help him and just as I took a step forward, the wolf ripped out my dad's head from his body. "Nooooo", I howled in pain. *** "Nooooo", I woke in a cold sweat. I frantically looked around and sighed in relief that it was only a dream, a very ugly nightmare. "Alpha, the tracker sensed five rogues making their way towards our pack lands. According to them, it's the Rogue Alpha and his next target is our pack", head warrior Josh's panicked voice sounded from the pack link. "I'm coming, tell the warriors to protect the border", I ordered and leapt up from the bed. Adrenaline coursed through me as I ran towards the pack border at a fast pace, faster than any time I've run, my dream helping me to push faster. As I neared the border, five vicious howls echoed through the forest. One howl, in particular, sent the shivers down my spine. ***
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