* I hurry to my room for a quick shower. Then I dry myself off and let my hair down to air dry. I put music on my phone and sing and dance as I swing my puffy curly hair back and forth, side to side (Headbanging) as I put on lotion. I bring my solo dance party to my room and keep rocking out. "Hey, cuzzo," says Ralph calmly sitting on my bed watching T.V.. "Ralph!" "You scared the s**t out of me you could have called first!" I say still startled. "I've never had to call, before," he says finally turning to face me. "Well, you've been gone for so long, I'm not used to it anymore!" I say wanting to kick his teeth out for scaring me. "Sorry, I guess I didn't think about that," "It's fine," I say pushing my hair out of my face. "You're such a cutie, especially, when you're angry" "No, I'm not