Chapter 28

3714 Words

* I remind Gael of all the things that he felt we needed from the mall. Because he was about to make a run for the room. Then he wanted to leave them in the vehicle and get them out later. But I convinced him to get it over with, because, I know us. We usually nap after going a couple of rounds. (I already know that I'm going to be in that room for a while, unless someone knocks on the door) I'm not complaining because, half of the time, it's me pulling him back for more.  I stay in the room to find space for our stuff that we bought, as he, goes down one last time to make sure that we didn't leave anything. "Do you need any help,?" asks Zane startling me. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you," "It's fine, and no, thank you" "We're practically finished" He stands there at the door and looks a

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