Chapter 19

3582 Words

* "It was nice having you guys come over to visit us, don't be a stranger," says Gael as the credits pop up on the screen. "Lovey," "You said as soon as the movie was over," he says shrugging. I smile embarrassed. "Sorry we really did enjoy having you over, Gael is just a little tired that's all," "Tired so that's what it's called now," says Jinx wiggling her eyebrows, causing everyone to laugh. "I'm tired too, Jinx," says Jax causing all of us to laugh except for Jinx. "Then take a nap," she says walking towards the door. "Wait Jinxy, I need to talk with you," he says in a soft tone, that I've never heard him use before. "What, Jax?!" she says keeping her distance as she watches him closely.  Then she looks at us and we turn around and clean up the mess to give them privacy. "Looks like

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