Chapter 22

3837 Words

* Gael carries our luggage upstairs to a big room, it was, nice and spacious but nothing compared to ours at home. "I hope that you'll be comfortable here," "Let me know if you need anything, we'll be down stairs, in the living room," "Yes, thank you," I say opening my suitcase. I pull out my closes for the night for later and take out my dresses and hang them up. He doesn't need anything right now either, so I, take out his suits and dress shirts. Gael watches me and smiles. Then he comes over and helps me. "You're so beautiful,'' "So are you, Lovey," I say returning his smile.  After we get everything settled, he pulls me onto the bed. "Let's wait until tonight" I say; not wanting anyone to hear us. "Don't be embarrassed, for them or anyone else to know what we do," "We're mates and we

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