Chapter 6

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* I bite my lip and look up at Gael as he looks down into my eyes and we kiss. I don't know how much time we spend wrapped in each others arms swaying as we kiss. Ralph walks up and taps my lower exposed back making me jump. "Sorry, cuz," he chuckles. "It's fine" I whisper. "I'm about to order some burgers and fries for the group, do you guys want anything?" I clear my throat. "Do you want something to eat" I ask looking up at Gael. "Yeah that's fine" he says and smiles. "Yes, please" I say jokingly. He smiles and winks. "Sure cuzzo, anything for you babe," he says before he walks off.  Gael spins me out and then brings me back in and grabs my hips pulling me into his member, grinding slowly on my butt causing me to gasp. I place my hands over his and roll my hips as I rub up against him. Then I close my eyes as I lean back against his chest, so that, I can hear and feel his chest grumble.  I look up after a while and everyone is still dancing except Ralph, he is a making out with two girls. Ewww. (And, he wants a nice girl.) I think to myself. He better hope Jinx doesn't see him she hates those kind of girls. We almost got into a fight with one of his jealous little friends. Yeah she didn't even have a title Not girlfriend, mate, side chic, ex, or baby mama. Nothing.  "Come back to me Beauty" whispers Gael in my ear pulling me from my thoughts. I smile and turn to face him and we kiss. Then I kiss and suck down his neck where I'm supposed to mark him. I suck harder trying to leave lovebites down his neck. He groans every time I suck on his neck and I love the sound, so he, has like 7 lovebites, all of them are small except for one. I told him to give me some but he says that he doesn't trust wolf or himself causing me to laugh as he chuckles, so I, turn around and start back dancing, winding my hips, more playfully and flirty this time as I bend down and slowly touch the floor. Then I slowly get back up and smile as I turn to face him. His eyes are black, he closes them as he grips my butt looking as if he's going to shift. "Gael, are you okay baby?" I ask cupping his cheek. His eyes open and go from black to blue again. "Did you just call me baby?" he asks looking shocked. "Yes, do you no-" I am cut off by a kiss a sweet passionate kiss. He pulls away and places his forehead against mine. "The food is here!" says Jinx poking at my butt cheek. "Cut it out, woman!" I say swatting at her hand.  I grab Gael's hand and lead us back to the table. Then I slide in next to Jinx and he slides in next to me. "So..." says Jinx with a mischievous smile. I squint my eyes at her wondering what she's plotting. "Is he a Wolf or a leopard?" She finally asks as she cackles and causing everyone else to look at Gael and laugh. "Jinxy!" "Sorry" I whisper to Gael even though he's chuckling too. "For what,?" he asks "This shows everyone that you care for me and even if they were all over my face, I wouldn't be embarrassed" I smile at his words and bite my lip. "Later, I'll put some on your beautiful chest and abs" I blurt out then I cover my face with my hands after I realize what I just said. I think only Gael heard me but I'm still embarrassed. "Only, if you let me put some on your beautiful chest and abs" he says. "Deal!" I say causing them to stare and Gael to chuckle. "Then my body is your canvas," he says in my ear. (This guy get's me) I think to myself.  "Does anyone want dessert?" asks Ralph after everyone finishes eating and we're all talking. All of the girls choose something and he gets up to put in an order. I guess the guys feel like they can't be tough and manly if they eat sweets. (Nah, that's probably not it.)  Gael grabs my hand and plays with my fingers, kissing each one, then he rubs them across his bottom lip and finally sucks on my pinky. I bite my lip to suppress a moan as I look into his eyes. "Hey guy, let her breathe," says Ralph to Gael causing him to chuckle. I start to raise my hand to hush him, but, I stop myself. At first I see hurt in his eyes, but he quickly removes it.  Gael kisses my hand and holds it to his chest as he smiles at me. "Yeah, you need to tell that to my Chic Kari" "She keeps attacking the poor guy," says Jinx as she cackles, causing everyone to laugh. (Are they laughing at me or her cackles?) (could be both) I think to myself. I smile and look at Gael and he runs his thumb over my lips. "If we weren't here, his face would be full of Kari's right now," she says poking my shoulder. "Jinxy!" I say laughing with everyone else. "You just wait you little minx," I say shaking my head.  I am happy when the dessert arrives so maybe she will be quiet. "Do you want some?" I ask looking up at Gael before I take a bite. "I want something sweeter and more flavor filled" he says into my ear. I can't help myself and I tug on the collar of his shirt attacking his lips. He cups my cheeks and covers our kiss with his hands. "I told you Ralphie, She's the instigator," she says as she points at me. (I feel her finger on my back) I release his lips and shirt to catch our breaths. "Sorry guys," I say as they all look at me with shock, except for Jinx and Gael. He's smiling as he eats some of my pie (that he didn't want) and, Jinx is just smirking annoyingly. Just wait until she falls in love, I'll get her back for this. (did I just say love?)  "Are you guys mated?" asks Ralph looking worried. "Not yet," says Jinx. "But any day now!" I facepalm. "Wait!" "Are you asking if we've mated or if we are mates?" I ask a little confused. "Did you understand his question?" I ask Gael who is taking turns feeding me and himself the pie. He shrugs and I peck his lips he's so f*****g cute. "Both, questions," says Ralph running his fingers through his hair, probably frustrated that we're taking so long to answer his questions.  "Are we mates,?" I ask. "Yes," he says smiling, then he kisses my forehead and wraps his arm around me. "I knew there was a possibility," I say looking at Jinx. "Hey!" "I'm the one that suggested it!" she says. "Especially, when you said that I wasn't your type," she says laughing with Jax, joining her. Everyone except for me, Jax, and Jinx are looking confused. "Were you two a thing?!" asks Ralph and I feel Gael's grip tighten around me. "No!" "It was a joke, Ralph, I'll tell you about later!" I say to calm him. "I'd be fine with that," he says. "I wouldn't!" says Gael putting the pie fork down.  "Baby, nothing happened, nor, will it ever happen!" "We are just friends, more like sisters," I say as I look into his eyes. "Do you believe me,?" I ask not wanting him to be mad at me. "Kari!" says Ralph not believing his eyes and ears. "Ralph!" I say mocking him causing him to smile a little. "Of course, I believe you beauty," he says cupping my cheek the he pecks my lips.  "Fine, this doesn't leave this table," I say. Then I go on to explain what happened with me and Jinx.  When I'm finished of course they are laughing, even Gael. "Gamma boy, don't laugh," I say poking at his chest. He grabs my hand kisses my finger. "You know what Jinxy, I'm having you admitted into a psychiatric hospital, and you can be roommates with Harley Quinn," I say and she cackles. "You know you love me," she says poking at my side, causing me to laugh and wiggle away from her into Gael.  "Look, Gael here's her spot," she says grinning. He chuckles and blocks her hand from poking me. "Hey, I'm trying to help you," she says laughing. "Tonight I'm going to talk with your parents Jinxy," Gael lightly squeezes my thigh reminding me that we have plans for tonight. "Tomorrow, I'll talk to them tomorrow," I say correcting myself. "So, have you guys mated yet,?" asks Ralph again. "I'm waiting until she is ready," he says rubbing his hand up and down my thigh. "And, try to wait a little longer after that," says Ralph looking serious causing everyone to laugh including me and Gael.  When it was time to go, I hold on tight to Gaels arm, until we, reach his car. Then I pull down on his collar and kiss him, he cups my face again to hide our kiss.  "You're not going to give me a hug goodbye,?" asks Ralph standing in front of me with his arms open. I walk over to hug him. "What about a kiss?" he whispers close to my ear. "You've had enough kisses tonight, with your double scoop," "Mr., I can't find the good girls," I say raising an eyebrow. "Don't, be jealous, you're still my number one," he says with a smirk. "Yeah, until a cute brunette with a crop top and a short skirt walks by" I say laughing as I walk back to Gael. "See you later babe, love you!" yells Ralph. "Love you, too," I say back.  "Are you okay?" I ask as I look into Gaels sad eyes. "Yeah, I'm fine" he says with a small smile. "I only love him as my cousin Gael, the way I feel  about you is different," "I'm sort of obligated to love him," I say shrugging. "I know, it's just that I want so bad for you to feel the way that I do about you, but, I can wait even if it takes the rest of my life," he says. "Gael baby it won't take that long, I already care about you, so much," I say before pecking his lips. "I just need time to sort out and understand my feelings," He kisses me deeply and leans me up against his car and I wrap my arms around his neck as he grips my butt. "Let's go to your house," I say as I try to catch my breath. "Okay," he says in my mouth, then he pecks me once more. "Sorry," I say to Samir who's turned the other way so that he can't see us.  Ralph is taking Jinx home and Jax is taking Maxie. Ralph didn't want me to go with Gael, but, he had no choice because he is my mate.  With Samir in the backseat we couldn't do anything so we just locked fingers and talked. Samir's first day of school was going to be on Monday, he says he isn't nervous. But who wouldn't be nervous. (I get nervous each year and I'm thankful that this is my last year)  When we get to their house, I say goodnight to Samir as he gets out of the car. "Come on upstairs, my parents are asleep and even if they aren't, I don't care," says Gael as he looks into my eyes. "Well I, don't want them to think that I'm a slut," "You're my mate and you look beautiful," "If it makes you feel better, wrap yourself with my jacket" he says. Then he turns to the back and gets his jacket." Okay, but just for a little while, then you have to take me home,"  "Wow, Gael your room is huge!" I say impressed. "Are you a prince,?" I ask jokingly. "Nope, just your Gamma boy," he says chuckling as he takes off his shoes. Then, he reaches down to help me out of mine.  As he unbuttons his shirt I lay back on his bed and rest on my elbows spreading my legs a little to tease him. He looks between my legs and licks his lips and I turn over onto my stomach and get up on my knees. I smile when he growls. "Unzip my dress, please" I say in a whisper as I move my hair out of the way.  He kisses my neck as he unzips my dress and I moan and wiggle out of it. Then I stand up as he helps me to step out of it. I turn to look at him and pull him slowly by his hair towards my chest. He kisses and sucks on my breasts, biting one while lightly pinching the other. I moan his name as I feel my knees getting weak. So I bend down to kiss him getting on my knees without breaking our kiss. Then I move backwards on my knees, so that he's also on the bed. I push him back and crawl on top to straddle him. Then I lick and suck on his bottom lip as he grabs my butt and squeezes as he grinds up against me causing me to moan his name and grab onto his shoulders, Then I move down to kiss all over his chest leaving love bites and making sure to get his abs as well. I undo his pants and belt, then I help him out of them. When there off I kiss and suck my way back up his torso to peck his lips as I rest my body against his and it's the best feeling the world. Especially, when he wraps his arms around me and I his chest grumbles. I kiss him and he deepens our kiss as he reaches down and smacks my butt. I whimper and pull his hair as he smacks my butt again and presses his hardness against me. "Kari," "Wait!" he says out of breath as I suck on his neck. But, I keep going, sitting up now to roll my hips over his member and placing my hands on his chest, so, that I can balance myself as I grind on him. "Kari, baby, Wait," he moans with his eyes closed as he keeps a tight grip on my hips. But I can't stop because I  love to hear him growl and grumble, so I keep going.  He growls loudly and brings me down hard against his member causing me to gasp and moan his name. Then he rolls me over and pins my hands above my head, and he moves slowly at first, then he starts grinding harder. I can tell it's not Gael when I see that his eyes are mostly black. When I see small flashes of blue I know that Gael is trying get control back. He licks and sucks hard on my neck where he's supposed to mark me and I moan loudly as I close my eyes. I open my eyes when I feel his member on my stomach. (How did it escape his boxers?) I think to myself.  "Gael!" I say gasping, as I feel him pressing against my entrance with only my thin lacy thong between us. "Just relax, Beauty," says Chet (Gael's wolf) looking into my eyes. "Please give, Gael back control Chet," (I like Chet, but I want my first time to be with Gael) I'm not really sure if he would be gentle. "I need to mark you Beauty, so no other wolf can mark you," "Gael is not brave enough to do it," he says nuzzling into my neck, making it hard for me to think about what to say next. "We want to mark you, we need to mark you," he says nipping at my neck causing me to moan and my hips to buck upwards. (Who knew he could be so a seductive?) "But Macy and I only want you and Gael," I breathe out as his kisses my neck.  He smirks and reaches down to rip my panties, then he pokes me at my entrance with his member, my hips buck upwards again. (My body moves on it's own, now) He grits his teeth not able to handle the results from his own teasing. I close my eyes tightly and prepare for his member, and I feel a kiss on my forehead. "Gael," I say opening them up again. "Yes," he says smiling then, he kisses me deeply and I roll  back on top of up him again. I slide down his body and take off his boxers, so that I can get a better look at what was poking me. My eyes go wide as it springs up. "No, Gael that monster is not going to fit!" I say surprised and terrified. He chuckles and grabs it. "Yes it will, you'll see" I place my hands next to it to measure it, then I, put my hands to my body to compare. "It won't," I say sure of myself. He smiles. "Are you afraid to try?" he asks as he sits up and shakes it teasing me. I push him back on the bed and he chuckles. Then I climb on top of him. "Beauty, what are doing?!" he asks alarmed. "Shhh,"  "Just close your eyes" I say, "Don't open them until I say so and keep your hands on the bed," He closes his eyes and grips the covers as I grab his member and I bend down to kiss it. Then I lick it to taste it causing a moan to escape his beautiful lips.  I try to line my body up with his monster and I put it at my entrance and then I slowly inch down it gasping a little in pain and a little in pleasure. "Fuuuck," moans Gael. "Beauty,"  I stop when it starts to hurt and his member his not all the way in. (which I already knew would happen)  "Kari get up!" he groans as his hips start moving up and down. I start whimpering and my hips buck. "Baby, I can't, It, feels so good!" I squeal. "Oh baby!" he says. "You feel so f*****g good!" he says as I feel my juices gush over his member "Oh Beauty!" he growls out as he grips harder on the covers and his hips go faster. I whimper and lean on his chest, then I, reach down to put his hands on my waist causing him to grumble and move my hips faster, but not, all the way down his member. "I love you," I whimper as he slides me up and down his member. He kisses me stifling my moans. "Baby, I'm coming!" I scream out. "Me too!" he says clenching his jaw as I scream his name and dig my nails into his shoulder, he growls as we c*m and I collapse on top of him, with my body still shaking and he hugs me tightly and kisses my head. "That felt so good" I whisper.  "You love playing with fire don't you?" he asks chuckling. "I want to do it again, but I'm afraid," "I'll wait until you're ready, but will you" he says chuckling as I hit him playfully. "Did you like it," I ask; knowing he was just at his tip. "Yes, Beauty," "Couldn't you tell,?" he says pecking my cheek. "But you only used this much!"  I say as I use my fingers to show about how much. "You put your hand in the way," (probably so he didn't push to far) He laughs. "Don't do that in public, somebody might think I have a small d**k"  "Gael!" I say as I hit him playfully. "Then, I'll have even more guys after my mate" I peck his lips and then I sit up and I turn around when I feel his member touching my butt. I smile and slide down. "Beauty, what are you doing,?"  I give him a lovebite next to his V-line, then I pick his member up and I kiss it, causing it to jump, I gasp and he chuckles. Then I slide my lips over it and he moans my name causing me to moan with his member in my mouth. "f**k!" he breathes out, when I moan. I forgot when you moan, it gives them more pleasure. Sure I had never done it before but I looked it up online (So what I know I cheated, but, it's working) I move my head up and down and pump my hands with a twisting motion. "f**k. f**k. f**k!" says Gael. "Beauty, you're so f*****g good!"  he says as he groans. "I'm cumming" he says as he pets my head. I suck harder and pump faster as he growls and his member jumps as it squirts into my mouth. Some falls onto my chin and onto my breasts. I lick my lips because it tastes sweet, and he sits up and reaches down to pull me into his arms. "Ewww!" he says after he kisses me causing me to chuckle. "Baby, it's not gross, it's only yours" I say as he grabs the covers and wipes my lips and chin.  "I only want your juices in my mouth" he says inching down my body. He rubs his thumb over my clit causing me to moan and I grab his covers. Then he bends and flicks his tongue over it and I gasp and grab his hair. He plays with it using his lips making weird sounds, as I make sounds of my own. "Mmm, I love the way your p***y tastes, Beauty," he says as he lightly pinches my p***y lips; causing me to moan and wiggle my hips "Yes baby yes!"  I whimper as he inserts a finger and sucks my clit as he fingers me. "c*m for me, Beauty!" he says as he moves his hand faster, twisting it as he goes in and out. I groan loudly and pull on his hair as my back arches and I c*m.  He crawls up and lays on my stomach and I run my fingers through his hair. "I love you, Kari" he says after he kisses my stomach. Then, he crawls up to kiss my lips and his member knocks against my p***y causing me to moan and my hips buck. He rolls off of me and covers the bottom half of my body with a blanket then he climbs back on top of me and kisses me softly. I moan in his mouth and pull a little at his hair.  "Do you know that you could have taken me anytime just now, and I would have let you. He growls and pulls at the sheets as he grinds up against me. "f**k," he says, then he bites his lip. "Beauty, don't say stuff like that, especially now," "I don't think these covers are thick enough to keep me away from you," he says the last part chuckling. "I just want you to know, that, you can have me when you're ready," I say before I peck his lips. "Beauty, I've wanted you for years" he says looking into my eyes. "Then have me and mark me" I say reaching for the covers. "No, not tonight!" he says. "I want to wait until your parents accept me," he says avoiding my eyes. "They will, I promise," I say pulling him to face me. "When do you want to meet them,?" I ask. "You tell me," he says rolling off of me and pulling me into a hug. "How about Friday after school, so, that you can spend time with me, then we can have dinner together," I suggest. "We can watch movies or play my Playstation,"  "Okay Beauty, that sounds great!" he says cuddling me.           
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