#Chapter 112 – The Real Threat

1482 Words

  I blink, realizing that I never thought about it, about the question of what I want to be to Kent. And what I want him to be to me. I mean, Kent is overwhelming – even just learning to be around him is a lot, let alone considering if I want to be with him. I mean, is that even what I would want, if it was a possibility? Do I want to be more than Kent’s mafia mistress? Do I want to be his girlfriend? His – “It’s all right, Fay,” Kent whispers, moving closer to me and putting a gentle hand on my cheek, probably seeing me think it through and freak out a little bit. “You don’t have to know now.” “Okay,” I say, biting my lip. “I don’t know – but Kent, I don’t want to live my life in secret. I don’t want to have to scurry around like a little rat, worried about who is going to find out. I

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